Chapter LXI

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The shrine was eviscerated, the altar of Palpatine now chopped and crumbled into millions of pieces beneath Ren's feet.

Snoke and Palpatine had each lusted for power, for control. That legacy was over, no longer to be pursued by the new dark lord. Ren now only cared to wreak havoc, to cause pain, to exact his hate on the galaxy, even if or until it killed him. The more destruction, the better.

But perhaps I will never die, he thought to himself.

The Knights of Ren looked in awe at their master. During Kylo's fit of fury, two of the acolytes had tried to stop him. Bane and Pilas had easily struck them down. The rest of the worshippers, who'd been here so long, praying to the essence of Palpatine, knew then not to protest. Palpatine's voice was here no longer.

The Knights and the acolytes saw that Kylo Ren was beyond question. They saw the dark side flowing through him, and had no hope but to commit themselves to him as he had committed himself to the dark. And perhaps, if they didn't face his wrath, they would have the honor of being of use to him. Or perhaps those two things might turn out to be the same.

Ren placed a transmission router on the ash at his feet, sent a call to Hux. Hux's pale visage appeared in a hologram before him. He knelt.

"Supreme Leader."

"You are now in charge of the First Order, Grand Moff Hux. I have only one task for you. Everything else is now in your discretion."

Hux was taken aback, pleased, overwhelmed. He eyed the dark lord for some time before responding, "What is thy bidding?"

"Lead me to Rey, or lead Rey to me."

Hux could have the First Order and they could have him. After Rey was made to face Ren, and Ren destroyed her, he would then decide who to destroy next - Hux, the Order, the Resistance, the Knights, perhaps the entire galaxy. Whatever.

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