𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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All of the third-year students had merged on the large field outside. The grass was a vibrant green with a few flowers blooming such as sunflowers, black eyed susans, blazing stars, and hundreds more.

Students were instructed to change into their activity uniforms because they would be doing a lot of standing around in the hot sun.
{Time's Perspective}

It was now the afternoon, and I changed into my activity wear while waiting for the three nitwits to emerge from the changing room.

"Is that you, TINE?" I heard a loud voice yell at me. 'Oh no,' my blood ran cold. It was Green, a boy who has had a crush on me since we were in first grade.

I wasn't going to stay here, as such I went into the bathroom and hid in one of the dull stalls, not caring who was in there. "TINE WHERE DID YOU GO? TINE!" I could hear his voice growing fainter and fainter as I drew a huddled breath.
"Are you going to get the hell away from me, bunny boy?" From behind me, I heard a voice say.

I apologized immediately as I exited the stall without looking at them. I dashed out, only to find Pheuk, Ohm, and Fong flirting with some girls. "Oh look, there he is!" Ohm stated as he had hit my back.
"Man, what happened to you? You're all sweaty," Pheuk remarked.
"I just almost ran into Green, that's all," I explained.

"Students, settle down, it's time to begin the gathering!"

Everyone fell silent as they turned their gaze to the large stage. The headmaster was holding a microphone in his hand and speaking into it as it echoed off the loud speakers on stilt
"Everyone is being divided into partner groups based on their academic performance in last year's finals."

I sighed as I considered which group I'd be in, given that I did well in the finals last year. Just please put me in a group with someone I know. Suddenly, there was a loud gasp and whisperers could be heard somewhere. I turned to see what was causing the uproar.

Only to be met by "THEM."

They don't have a name, so we just call them the 5 ชั่วร้าย i, which simply means the 5 evils. Sarawat, the leader, was in charge and rarely came to school, but today he was here. Man, Earn, Noomin, and Phukong , Sarawat's younger brother, made up the group. Nobody, not even the teachers, messes with them.

It's because of who their parents are, that they give money to the school every month as long as their children get the best grades. "I hope none of us gets paired up with one of them," Fong said quietly to us. I simply nodded without saying anything.

"Could all third-year students please enter single lines for their numbers, and once completed, we will continue?" As I rushed to get in line, I ran into a few people apologizing, which I feel like I've been doing a lot today.

"Here's your number," the counselor woman said as she handed me a small piece of paper. I got out of line while I was looking at the number on the paper, "2308". Ohm and I sat and waited for Pheuk and Fong to get their numbers.

"I believe I know who I'm partnered with," Pheuk exclaimed, cheering. "Who is it?, a girl?" I said laughing.
"I think its gonna be hannah from The Art's Facility" He added. I just grinned. Time passed and everyone had their numbers, but it seemed like all eyes were avoiding a particular group.

I mean the people that are gonna be partnered with them, aren't gonna be happy.
"Now Student's through this week you will look for your partner and once you find them your objective is to spend the rest of the school year with that person no matter what"

"Aw come on it's gonna take forever for me to find out who im partnered with" Fong complained as everyone was now leaving the field.
"I'm gonna head home i'm tired " Ohm said. I nodded grabbing my backpack.

"Actually, I'm going to stay a little later and catch up on some work," I said, stuffing the small piece of paper into my pocket.

"Oh come on Tine, don't you want to find your special someone?" said Pheuk. I just rolled my eyes as I walked into my English class and began working on some assignments.

As most people had left the building, the day turned to night. Tine had sat in the classroom by herself. He finished his work with an irritated moan.

Tine had closed the laptop and returned the books he had borrowed from the classroom to their original place.

I'd finally finished and hadn't realized how late it was. The sky was a pitch black color, reflecting off the room's tinted windows. I stood up and exited the room, making sure to turn off the brightened lights for night duty. There was nothing but crickets chittering away in the tiled hallways.

I rounded the corner and fell back, only to be caught by strong hands. "I see we meet again, bunny boy," said a familiar voice. I opened my eyes, only to be met by black hazed ones.
'Oh my goodness! 'I took a quick step back.

"You're Sarawat!" I must have yelled, because he had a smirk on his face. I had the impression that something was lurking behind his gleaming grin.
"Yes, and your Tine is that right bunny boy?" I couldn't respond because all I could do was stare in terror. We made eye contact as his eyes held something I couldn't put into words.

He walked closer and closer to me, and all I could do was stare in disbelief. "How about that Apology now?" he asked. I looked at him, perplexed.

"For what?" I questioned quietly. He lifted my chin in his grip...

"Of course, for what happened in the bathroom."

❥𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐀 𝐁𝐞𝐭❥Where stories live. Discover now