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The Parlour was a torture chamber where the enemies of the Empire were taken to extract delicate information. They were often spies or political enemies. This room, located in the undergrounds of the palace, was dark and humid. There were all kinds of terrifying tools lying around including knives of all shapes and sizes, an axe, a saw, a guillotine, a wheel, chains and ropes.

After visiting his quarters to grab a poison bottle, Tanaka knew time was ticking for him. He sped through the corridors without being seen. Only one guard had been left to watch the Parlour's entrance and he was occupying himself by throwing rocks at rats. Tanaka took the opportunity to sneak in, and on entering the room he saw that Mohit was suspended and chained to the wall.

When he saw Tanaka he mumbled, "He, Help, p..., Help, me."

"Shush," Tanaka said quietly holding his index finger in front of his mouth. "I am going to free you." He showed him the key and then offered the bottle to him. "You must be thirsty, drink that."

Mohit who was scared and thirsty drank all of it.

Tanaka took a step back with a wry grin on his face.

A few seconds later, Mohit's face took on a distraught expression. He was helpless and the realisation he had made a mistake hit him. He wanted to call for help but the poison was already burning his throat, and was now devouring his oesophagus. It would soon devour the rest of his organs too. The pain made him lose consciousness.

Tanaka left as he came, without anyone noticing him.

The First Samourai went to the Parlour only to find a soulless body. He instantly knew the instigator of the murder occupied a high position in the administration, had access to the palace, and had facilitated the infiltration of the assassins. He was determined to find out who this corpse was and who had murdered him.

The guard, who hadn't seen anything, was dismissed; a supreme shame for him and his family.

Without further ado San Gokin went downtown with a portrait of Mohit he had just sketched. It was not long before someone identified Mohit and told him he was Ashu's acolyte. They were always hanging out at the Panda Bar, a hideout where you could hire thieves and murderers. With three guards to accompany him, he rushed to it without delay. When he got there all eyes turned on him and it went silent. Everyone knew who he was and his presence was not welcome.

"I'm looking for Ashu!" he shouted.

No one answered. If they were not willing to defy him because of who he was, none of them would submit to his authority either.

"I'll shut this place down and arrest all of you!" he added looking them in the eyes.

They all dodged his gaze.

The Master of the House left the counter where he was serving beer and asked him to kindly leave. San Gokin punched him and knocked him out, then lifted him and put him on his shoulder as if he weighed nothing. He knew he did not have the manpower to take everyone on, and they would certainly not follow him on their own initiative. He could offer money but no one would accept it in front of the other brigands, as it would be against their code. So he pointed out two random people for his guards to arrest.

In the meantime, in a sordid flat, not far from the Panda Bar, two people were having a tense discussion.

"It is horse crap, Mohit is dead! I want my money," said Ashu desperately.

"That's why I'm here," answered Tanaka calmly.

"You killed Mohit!"

"Not at all. He didn't survive the torture that was served to him."

Ashu closed his eyes, his childhood friend and partner in crime was no more. It took a few seconds to sink in.

"How come you are still alive? Mohit would have talked under torture."

"His heart gave up before he could say anything; it is very common in these circumstances."

Ashu closed his eyes again to think. "I want the money otherwise..."

"What? Are you going to give me away? If you do that, they will do the same to you and me. For treason the sentence is death."

They looked at each other, measuring each other's thoughts.

"Nevertheless, I'll give you fifty gold coins to compensate your loss and for you to disappear." Tanaka grabbed a purse from his pocket and threw it on the table.

"I thought you would try to kill me."

He sat down on a chair, took the purse, and emptied it on the table.

"I am not a violent man," said Tanaka.

Ashu licked his lips as he looked at the pile of gold. All thoughts of Mohit had gone and he immediately started to count the coins.

Tanaka skilfully glided behind him...

The Master of the Panda Bar woke up, he was lying against a wall, and San Gokin was slapping him.

"Stop, I'll tell you everything you want," he looked around. He was alone, apart from the General.


"Ashu lives three streets away from here. Turn right after the liquor store, it is the first building on the right, second floor, fifth door on the left."

The General flew past him, running with all his might. When he reached the front of the building, he didn't take the stairs; he jumped from the ground onto the second floor balcony, and kicked the door open.

He scanned the room, and there, lying on the floor, was a corpse bathing in his own blood. He had no illusion as to who this person was. His fear was later confirmed when neighbours identified Ashu as the victim. It didn't create a lot of fuss, as it was just another day downtown. Given the body was still warm when he found it, he had missed the killer by just a few minutes, which was more than enough time to disappear in this unreliable part of Sunu.

Tanaka slowly and joyfully walked back to the palace. 

Eudaimonia: Maya's Journeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें