Chapter Sixteen

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Ken marched to his own first class. He didn't really want to go. He paced in front of the door. AP Geometry. AP Geometry. AP Geometry.

Was the class all that necessary? Ken stood outside the door as the last few students trickled in. The bell had already rung, and his teacher was walking to the door to close it.

Ken held his breath as he slipped in the door. His teacher closed it behind him. He took a seat in his usual desk and focused all his energy at the in front of him wall. He tried his best to ignore Barbie like she was doing to him.

The wall in front of Ken just seemed so interesting. So interesting that he ignored everything else. He ignored the teacher when he called on him to answer a question. He ignored his desk neighbor when she asked to borrow a pencil. He ignored Barbs as she strutted out the door. He even ignored the bell when it rang.

He ignored everything except the wall. The wall has never wronged him. The wall wasn't a powerful teen princess he felt he couldn't compare to. The wall hadn't ignored him the whole weekend. It was a wall, and Ken enjoyed that.

He sat there through the second bell. His teacher ignored him. The chair beside him scrapped the ground. Ken ignored the person that scooched up to their desk beside him.

Class had started again. The person beside him leaned closer to him and whispered, "Hey Ken. Why are you still here?"

Ryan was seated beside him. When Ken ignored him too, he took out a pen and started poking Ken's shoulder. He was like a housefly constantly coming back to buzz in Ken's ear.

Ken snapped his attention from the wall to the nuisance beside him. He grabbed his pen and broke it in half. "Goddammit!" he yelled, thoroughly annoyed.

Ryan looked at him with wide eyes. A small smile plastered on his face. Ken wanted to wipe away that dumb smile, and he almost did if it wasn't for the teacher calling his name.

"KEN! I let you sit in here because I thought you were having a tough time, but if your going to be disrespectful get the hell out!"

Both Ryan and Ken looked up at the teacher. He had a ruler in his hand, pointing towards the door. Ken scrambled out of his seat and kept his head down.

When he got close enough to the door, the teacher turned to finish his lesson. Ken met Ryan's eyes before stepping out the door. He mouthed three words before he exited, you are dead.

He gently closed the door behind him. "Yeah. Yell at me not the guinea pig beside me. Makes total sense Mr. Lasagna." Ken said sarcastically as he walked to his second class of the day.

He opened the door and slipped into his usual seat in the back of his Spanish class. He rolled his eyes when Señorita Diaz fussed at him in Spanish for being late and crossed his arms over his chest.

He sat back ignoring her with his thoughts on his plans with Ryan. Maybe we should eat dinner together tonight and go over the plans.

Ken nodded along with his thoughts. He didn't even have Ryan's number yet, so it was a good plan.

(A/n): Hmm looks like Ken doesn't know the difference between obsession and love. My little dum dum. I spent like a good 5 minutes trying to spell guinea so I guess imma dum dum too. Anyways vote and comment tell me what you think ;P

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