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Pansy Point of View & 3rd Perspective

I sit in the train. Next to Blaise and Draco. They're talking with each other about how we should return to Hogwarts. As we know, we aren't really welcome there. But it's the only place we could stay now. My parents, Blaise his mom, and Draco's mom were dead. Draco's dad isn't an option, it only would let us to more trouble. I only had my brother as family left. And Blaise hadn't an father at all. I felt Dray, he was laying on my lap on the left. We tree we're all so close, that we call each other siblings. Well, only to each other. Most people think me and Draco are dating, even tho he's homosexual, like Blaise. I was myself asexual, like my brother. Because we never had an feeling we fancied someone.
"Huh?" I said, asking what this screaming meant.
"You're okay?" Blaise asked. I've had to put an fake answer on this question again, like always. "I'm fine." I answered. I wasn't fine. Inside of me, there wasn't anything. No family, no friends, no feelings. Nothing. Because... In the war, I've been cursed. It took all of my heart, I managed to survive it. But i feel always alone. I never feel it when someone does care about me, or just fakes. No-one knows about my little accident, but it's getting worser and worse. I felt dead all day. I didn't know how to express myself, so I kept thinking how I could. "Blaise! Give back!" Yelled Draco. We were alone in an coupon, were no-one could hear us, so Draco wasn't heard by anybody. Draco decided to tickle Blaise, and Blaise was dying of laughter on the floor. Draco looked at me and i smiled back at him. I grabbed an piece of paper, and started to write an letter to Millicent Bullstrode

Dear Millicent

How's it going? You didn't returned to Hogwarts i've seen. Me, Dray and Blaise are the only Slytherins who did return at Hogwarts, so this year isn't gonna be much for me. Dray and Blaise lost their mothers, and i did my whole family, except Elias. But lord Voldemort is gone now, so we can live our 'life's' in peace. Not that it gonna be much or something. We're wanted all around the world, and hated by every muggle, witch and wizard who's alive. And, of course. The 'fantastic' golden trio has returned, to make our life 'better'. The only reason it's good that they returned, is because Dray has an crush on Golden boy. And, well, they're pretty cute together if you see them! I'm still gotta find Elias tho, but you don't have to worry on anything. I hope you'll find an job soon and write me back,

From Pansy ^^

I walked up to the cage, I've brought whit me. I opened it, and my owl, Davian, flew to my shoulder. I grabbed the big leather glove and slipped it over my hand. Davian jumped on it and i walked back to my seat. After some minutes I fell asleep, with Davian on my shoulder. Blaise felt asleep too and Draco watched over us. About an hour Draco waked is up. "Come, it's soon time to go, get your stuff ready." Draco said. "Yes, mom." Blaise responded. Draco looked sad, and left a tear. "That's rude Blaise, we all don't have one, you wouldn't like it to if I said that to you." I said. "Sorry." Blaise said and gave Draco an hug. Draco gave an hug back and smiled. I packed my stuff and put Davian back in his cage. I heard the train stop and Blaise walked out of the coupon. I was going next, and Draco followed me. We walked slowly, together out of train and make our way to Hogwarts. All I could think of was my little plan i prepared for this year. It wasn't an good idea, but it was the end of all the hate. She hoped. About an half hour they arrived at Hogwarts and walked to the great hall. It was time again, like every year. The new first years were gonna get sorted in houses. She still remembers when she was there. Eight years ago. She and Draco were invited to Hogwarts. Then it still sounded fun. Draco was first. Of course he was placed in Slytherin. After him was Blaise. Next was Millicent. She was after her. When they all were sorted, she became friends with Blaise and Millie. Other Slytherins were nice to tho. After a while she had an crew of some like ten friends. Now she only got two. After the house sorting, they were allowed to eat. As she looked at her table, she saw half of the people who normally had sat there. Much seventh, sixth and even fifth year Slytherins didn't come back to Hogwarts. She looked over the table again, and saw her little brother Elias sitting. After the war there wasn't care about where you sat at the table, and so allowed Pansy her brother to sit next to her. He was an third year and knew Pansy's friends good enough. "Hey, sis." Elias said. "Hey, bro, wanted to ask something?" Pansy replied to him. "Well, I was wondering if I could sleep in your dorm? The kids in mine are really mean." Elias asked. "I mean, why not. We're family, no?" Pansy answered. "Thanks Pans!" Elias said. "No problem Eli, come we should go eat." Pansy said. After an hour they were full. Draco and Blaise did already go to the dorms. Pansy was about to go to the dungeons to, until she was stopped by the sight of the golden trio. She sighed. She turned back to the stairs of the dungeons and followed her brother who ran past her. "You come?!" Asked Elias. "Coming!" Pansy replied. Down at the stairs she walked in to the common room. Most Slytherins were in inside. Pansy had dorm number A251, one of the last ones. She let her brother in and they unpacked their suitcases. Pansy hang the birdcage up above her bed. She sorted her clothing, and helped her brother with his mattress. So he could sleep in her room. She was lucky that the Slytherins didn't had roommates. After eight PM they were finished unpacking, and Pansy made her way to Draco's dorm. She was informed by him he had his dorm next to hers, so she knocked on his door. "Hello?" Pansy asked. "Coming!" Draco said. He opened the door. "Hey dragon boy." Pansy said. "Shut up, and come in." Draco said. Blaise was sitting on the floor with two other seventh years. Pansy knew the second years, one was named Daisy, and the other was Samuel. Draco planned some wizard-games for them to play. After their games Pansy walked back to her dormitory and saw her brother playing on her guitar. She kept it as an gift from her parents. She heard her brother singing. Without thinking, Pansy sang with him. She wasn't good or anything, she was horrible at it. But loves to sing with her brother, as some, last memories of Hogwarts...

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