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s a n c t u m | s h o r t  s t o r i e s

we know not whether to fall or to fly, for either means a moment of mortality for our young but ageless souls.

© ambs-ace, 2020

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So I was feeling rather inspired and decided to whip up this collection of short stories I'm actually proud of. Some have only just been published in this work alone, while others are also able to be viewed in my other collection of short stories. Most of the ones published here will contain some sort of reference to Greek mythology, immortals, murder and young gods, particularly Icarus because I will never be able to retell his story enough, but the others will just be poems or short stories of mine that I really like. I am also only writing these when I'm not working on my many other writing projects, or when the muse takes possession of my mind and words flow without restraint, so expect updates as erratic and unforeseen as young gods themselves.

Please enjoy!



sanctum | short storiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang