Chapter One - The Floo Network

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"For Merlin's sake, he's just a boy!"


"DEHORS! SORS DE MA MAISON, ET NE REVIENS PAS!" (which roughly translates to, 'Outside! get out of my house and don't come back!')  Your mother screamed at you in her shrill voice, shoving you out the door with your owl and your trunk. Crashing onto the streets of Paris, you picked yourself up, dusted off your clothes and put on a brave face.

"Way to go Y/n, you just got kicked out of your house AND school...  on your 13th birthday.." You sighed and mumbled to yourself. "Where to go now?..."

"Shine!" You turn around to find your best friend Macy waving at you. Macy Martin wasn't your average witch, she was a squib, she still tried and you still loved her, but right now you needed to find a way to get to the floo network.

"Hey Mace..." You looked down at your feet, "Fancy seeing you around.."

"What's wrong Y/n?..." her eyes widened and she saw your trunk, "You told them..." You just nodded. "And they.. kicked you out..." You nodded again and sighed.

"I'm going to visit Uncle Severus.. I need to get to a public floo network..."

"IN LONDON?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" She screamed at you, her bright red hair flying away, a few people now staring and you two.

"Shhh! keep it down! Yes in London!" You sighed and started thinking, "The Ministry! Brother works there! he'll help!"

"Y/n you can't leave me! I know your parents kicked you out but you can't leave!"

"Don't you see! I have to..." She just sighed and played with her thumbs

"I guess you're right... Well then, Lets go!" she exclaimed and picked up your owl, Pippin.

You smiled at your friend's confidence and grabbed the handle of your trunk, dragging it behind you. It took you both about an hour to walk to the Ministry, considering the distance from your home, it wasn't bad. You walked into the Ministry and asked for your brother. 

"Edward Shine sil vous plait." You sighed as you walked away and sat down, "Macy, what if i cant get to London?..."

"Don't worry Y/n! I'm sure Eddie can-" She was cut off by your brother. Edward Peter Shine, your parent's favourite, but he didn't care, he was surprisingly loving.

"Hey Lil..Bro, I assume your talk with mother didn't go the best..." You shook your head. "ahh well, what can I do?" He smiled widely in just the way that made you cheer up a bit.

"I need to use the floo network in your office, please." You looked up from your lap pleadingly.

"Right..." he said suddenly quite serious "Lets just step in my office then.." He stood up to his full height and took your owl from Macy, as much has he liked that you had friends, this was a family matter, You nodded and stood up.


"And you're sure you want to go?" Edward asked, pacing his office, you nodded and he sighed "Right then.. I'll have your stuff delivered to Severus and you can be on your way very soon, but first we must fix that awful hair of yours." You smiled and chuckled, you did agree, the long plain black hair was quite boring against your bright blue eyes. "Any colour you want?" Edward asked you pulling out his wand.

"Hmmm... ooh Green please! and short short, like yours!" You smiled widely and closed your eyes. He muttered  few words and you felt the cold of the room hit your head, and the hair that was once cascading over your shoulders, fall down your back and lie on the floor. You opened your eyes and looked in the mirror, your reflection almost unrecognizable. "Whoa... I love it!" You jumped up and gave your brother a huge hug, he smiled down and you and hugged you back.

"Your welcome Y/n, now we don't want to keep Uncle Severus waiting, do we?" He smiled and let go of you, grabbing the small pot next to the fire. You took a handful of powder, stepped in, smiled at your brother and said clearly, "Snape's House" as you threw the powder and the flames turned emerald green, a few shades lighter than your dark green hair. You disappeared and it took a few minutes for you to reappear in the living room that you haven't seen since your were just 5 years old.


"Y/n?" An emotionless voice asked as you stepped out of the fire. 

"Uncle Severus!" you smiled widely at him and he pulled you in for a hug.

"My dear boy! Your mother and father are wicked creatures for kicking you out, but don't worry, I'm sure I can sort something out with Dumbledore... Have you been practicing Potions?" You nodded and pulled away.

"Who's Dumbledore?" You asked, realizing now how much of an accent you have, and it wasn't much compared to most French people.

"Ahh that's right, you haven't heard of Hogwarts yet. Well my dear boy, Hogwarts is a school of witchcraft and wizardry, and Professor Albus Dumbledore is it's headmaster." You nodded, stuck in deep thought. "But, it's still summer break, we can see him tomorrow and get it all sorted, and Y/n?"

"Hmm?" You looked up at Severus, his face a warm smile now.

"Happy Birthday." He handed you a small box, which inside was a book, by one of your favourite authors, Newt Scammander, 'Fantastic beasts and where to find them'.  You smiled up and Severus and hugged the book, holding back a tear.

"Thank you.." You whispered.


You woke up and looked out the window of the loungeroom, nighttime. You sighed and laid beck down in the couch, closing your eyes again.

"For Merlin's sake,he's just a boy!" You heard Severus spit at someone, trying not to wake you up.

"Calm down Severus, yes, his parents shouldn't have treated him that way, but I assure you, the the students and staff at Hogwarts will treat him as their peers, his is no different from them." The voice was calm and low, quite hushed but warm.

"Albus... He needs somewhere to feel safe, and right now here is it!" Severus whispered, sounding quite concerned.

"Hogwarts is that place Severus, trust in me." Somehow you could hear a smile in his voice. "Now, we should let the boy sleep, he can come and get sorted tomorrow. I must go, goodnight Severus."

"Goodnight professor." Severus sighed as a woosh was heard, you recognized that as the sound of apparition. You took a deep breath and fell back asleep.

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