3. Sexist Much? (Gally)

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Being the only Glader Girl in this Glade isn't so bad... but when it comes to tough jobs... well, I'm being underestimated. Especially by my crush. Gally...

And it hurts. He thinks I'm a loser who can't do anything. He probably wants me to die or somehow just stay out of their way...

Some of us are gathered in one of the rooms in Homestead. There are Alby and Newt (obviously), Gally, Minho, Ben, Clint, Jeff, Thomas, Frypan, Winston and a two other gladers who's names I can't remember. Yeah I haven't been very social in these four months that I've been here...

I don't even know why this gathering isn't between the keepers like usually. I don't get their logics always... I guess it's enough to have Alby and Newt this time?

"We have something very important to suggest." Says Minho, interrupting my thoughts. Alby and Newt look like they're listening very closely.

"We think that it would be more effective for finding a way out if we had more runners... one of course would even be enough." Minho continues and looks mostly at Alby and Newt. They're discussing about it quietly.

I feel curious. It would be cool to be a runner... a little danger and action. It would be way more interesting than being a med-jack since we don't have many patiens usually.

"We understand you, Minho, but I don't think there would be many volunteers to become a runner. Besides, it's dangerous. We don't want to risk more lives." Says Alby after he and Newt finished their converstation.

"But if we find someone who really wants to become a runner, I think it would be okay." He continues and Minho looks at him with a little excitement in his face.

"Is anyone here in this room willing to become a runner?" Asks Newt while looking around the room, facing everyone alternately.

Thomas and I stand up immediadly.

"I'm willing to do it." We both say at the same time and look at each other after that. Thomas chuckles and I roll my eyes.

I feel someone's gaze in my back.

"I think Thomas should do it. I mean, look at (Y/n). She's the only girl in here and I bet she wouldn't last a day in the maze." Says Gally who stands up.

I gasp and look at him in disbelief. "Seriously?" I ask him and grin at him. Why does he act like that?

"No need to be rude, Gally. But I think you're right. (Y/n) would be in more danger than Thomas." Says Alby.

"Sexist much? You're all just a bunch of slintheads!" I dare to say and rush out of the room.

Yeah, I might have a little sensitive temper. I can't help it. But well, being the only girl here gives me some perks too. They don't punish me so easily... I can call them by any names and they don't bother.

I sit down on the ground, leaning to a fallen tree trunk. This is where I usually sit at night bonfires, stalking Gally who's usually having combats with other gladers.

But right now, I'm so mad at him. How can I like someone like that? When in the other hand he hates me?

I'm going to say something to him.

I'm waiting for the gathering to end. Soon would be time to make the bonfire again and have fun. But no, Gally's not going to have fun. I'm going to make sure he never underestimates me again.

After a while, I see the gladers coming out of the room as well. I look for Gally's muscular appearance. It doesn't scare me anymore.

Soon I find him and stand up. I rush towards him without him even noticing.

"Gally!" I shout angrily. He turns around and looks a little surprised to see me, rushing towards him. He backs off a little bit.

"What the shuck is your problem? You don't know a klunk about me so what makes you so... so... mean! Sexist! Everything! I'm not even weaker than anyone! But you don't seem to get it!" I shout at his face.

I observe his reaction but for my surprise, he just chuckles, looking down and putting his hands on his hips.

"What's so shucking funny?" I ask him, feeling frustrated. He doesn't answer, just smiles while still looking away.

"Yeah! Terribly funny! Gally, I challenge you! Yeah! Tonight, we're fighting in your stupid fighting area! Then let's see if you think I'm-" I start to bluster at him but he interrupts me with another chuckle.

"Do you really think I'm sexist?" He asks me and now looks at me in the eyes, making me blush a little bit.

"Well-" I start, trying to sound tough but he interrupts me again.

"Don't you get it? I'm trying to protect you. It's not that I think you're unable to be a runner. Or a builder. Or anything that takes more effort than some of the other tasks. All I've tried to do is to protect you." He explains, making me blush even more.

"Wait what? You have... tried to protect me? You?" I ask, forgetting my anger completely.

"Yes. I." He says and looks a little embarrassed. He scratches his neck and looks away again.

"But why? No one else seems to care except after you've said something like you just did in the gathering." I ask him, feeling a little confused.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't." He mutters and walks away before I have the chance to say anything.

What even was that?

"You shank! You really didn't understand that?" Says someone from behind me.

I turn around to see Chuck peeking from behind the map room. Yeah I led us here.

"Were you spying on us?" I ask him and chuckle.

"Does it matter? But you know, I'm probably the youngest here and even I understood that." He says.

I look at him confused without saying anything.

"Who would've thought... someone like Gally has a sweet spot..." He mutters. The realization hits me.

"What? Are you saying that... Gally likes me?" I ask Chuck, not believing my ears. Could it be possible..?

"Obviously. What are you still doing here you shank? Go!" he says and points at the direction Gally's walking. I smile slightly and run after him.

"Gally, wait!" I yell. He stops walking and turns around to look at me.

I stop in front of him. "I appreciate that you protect me." I say, blushing so hard.

"Good then..." He says, avoiding to look at me in my eyes.

"I- I think it's sweet..." I continue, now looking down.

Suddenly he lifts my chin up, making me to look at him in the eyes. Then he quickly looks at my lips and back to my eyes.

Suddenly he leans in. He presses his lips against mine, making me have butterflies flying around my whole body.

I love the warm feeling his lips give to me, never wanting to stop.

After a moment, we break the kiss. Both of us are blushing like crazy.

"Woah... didn't expect that." I mutter, touching my lips, missing the feeling of kissing him. He smiles slightly.

"Let's talk again when the bonfire is settled down." He says and smirks at himself. I nod at him and then we both head to prepare it.

"Oh and by the way! You should make more obvious signs and less mean actions if you want to make your move, Captain Gally." I yell at him while smirking, knowing how he loves to be called "Captain Gally".

He turns around and looks red. He just nods and then we head to different directions.

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