It wasn't like Louis was sad, or regretting his decision to kiss the boy. He loved it, even though it was the tiniest little kiss. He was just scared. Scared of what people's reaction would be, and mostly, what Harry's reaction would be. And so far, he hadn't mentioned it. Maybe Harry didn't like him that way? That was the only obvious reason other than he was actually asleep and didn't know about it. Louis felt a dull ache in his chest as the realisation that Harry might only liked him as a friend crept in.

Back in Niall, Liam and Zayn's tent, the four boys were discussing random things, but Harry couldn't keep his mind off Louis. Was he okay? He'd never seen the boy cry so it wasn't a good sign. Harry was about to get up and check on Louis, but then he remembered Louis' reaction when he had asked him if he was okay beforehand and stayed put.

"I've been talking to Ed," Niall smiled.

Harry and Niall went to the same high school, so obviously, Niall also knew Ed and they were pretty close friends.

"Oh yeah?" Harry asked, interested.

"Yeah." Niall said. "And he's in town. I was wondering whether we could invite him out here for the day? Only if it's okay with you though, since he's your ex and everything."

Harry grinned. "Yeah, that would be nice, I haven't seen him in a while."

"Okay." Niall smiled and pulled out his phone. "I'll text him now. And oh, by the way," he looked at Liam and Zayn. "Ed is Harry and I's old mate from high school... well Harry and Ed actually dated for four years but yeah."

"So this is the boyfriend you used to talk about Harry," Liam realised.

"Yeah," Harry confirmed. "We're still good friends though, we just split up because we were going to different universities and it wasn't going to work."

"How's Louis going to take this?" Zayn asked the question that everyone was thinking.

Harry felt his cheeks flaring up. "What?"

"Louis' going to get really jealous."


"You're so oblivious Harry!" Zayn facepalmed. "It's obvious he has a crush on you... and if you're hanging out with your ex today then.... well, let's just say it might not be pretty."

"Fuck him," Harry shrugged. "I mean, who cares? If he's going to be salty than that's his problem."

"Good boy Hazza," Niall smiled.

A couple of minutes later, Louis emerged from him and Harry's tent looking very disheveled.

"Morning Princess!" Zayn called.

"Hi," Louis mumbled, walking over to them, fixing his hair. Harry noticed he was still wearing his hoodie, and smiled to himself. Louis could be a bitch sometimes, but Harry adored him so much that it was impossible to stay mad at him.

"We're thinking of inviting someone over for the day Lou, is that's okay with you?" Niall asked.

Louis came and sat in Zayn's bed, opposite Harry. "Yeah, that's fine. Who?"

Niall gulped, hoping Louis wouldn't take this too badly. 

"His name's Ed, he's an old friend of me and Harry."

Camping Anyone? // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now