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I was breaking fast in the company of Prince Doran, since we didn't get a chance to talk yesterday at diner "Dorne sounds very beautiful, and very warm" I made small talk with the prince, win him over Davina and  he will protect you later on "It is very beautiful, and I admit it is much, much warmer than here in the west" we both laughed a little. "So tell me my lady, what was the reason behind this journey you are about to embark on?" oh gods, tough question.

I think about it for a minute, Doran is clearly expecting some grand answer, as to why I can't marry his brother sooner "I never met my mother, and stories about her were never enough. So I used to sneak into her old studio and just sit there, admiring her drawings that went untouched for many years. That is actually why I started drawing myself, to somehow feel closer to her and make my father smile in dark days," my voice started cracking at the end, no no one can see you being weak. "But still it wasn't enough, I became a very curious girl, started sneaking into the library when the maester wasn't around. Always looking for a book that mentioned her somehow.... Instead I found stories of great and ancient civilizations that were east of Westeros."

I could feel prince Doran smiling even though I was looking straight out the window, into the sea "At one point, no one could keep me out of the library, even if they tried. So I kept reading, and by the time I was ten and two I had read every one of the books in the library. And all along I wondered what it would be like to be there, to walk amongst the descendants of great warriors, and soak myself in history, being in that place."

I finally turned and the look of his face what like that of a child's when you give him sweets, I laughed to myself "So I started planning this journey with lady Brienne, trained very hard, and convinced my father to let me do it on my last name day," gods, I sound kind of crazy, wanting to explore the world out of curiosity and fascination for dead cultures.

Prince Doran breaks the comfortable silence "Lady Lannister, I've come to understand that you are a curious, fierce, and determined woman. You worked hard so that now you get to fulfill your dream. I admire that, and I certainly can't wait to call you sister." Oh my, I didn't think he'd be this easy to win over, "Thank you Prince Doran, truly. It's been wonderful speaking with you, now when I come back, at the very least I won't be surrounded by complete strangers in Dorne," because the fool of your brother didn't show up yesterday.

Suddenly Elyn walked in with a letter in hand, perfect timing "My lady, my prince, sorry to interrupt but this came from port. They say it's urgent." I took the letter and furrowed my eyebrows "Elyn, get my things ready and get Brienne. We leave in an hour." "Yes my lady" Elyn leaves the room in a hurry, and I turn to the cupbearer "You boy, run to the stables tell them to get our horses ready" he too leaves in a hurry, come on and react "What is the matter? Why must you leave?" bingo "It seems that there is a problem with my ship" I get up from the chair "Forgive me, but it is something that I must look into."

He also gets up from his chair, looking disoriented "For how long?" ha, he took the bait "A couple of days depending on how big the problem is" "But you wont get a chance to spend more than a day with my brother before you depart" that is kind of the plan "*sigh* I know, it's quite disappointing, we could have talked all night yesterday, however the gods were against it. And now I must leave" I started walking out of the room, but decided to give a final blow "I am sure, prince Oberyn will find a way to entertain himself, as he did yesterday."

I approach Brienne in the courtyard where our horses and trunks await us, she looks positively amused "Did he buy it?" "Of course he did, it was stupid of him to think I was gonna let his brother humiliate me and get away with it." As we leave Casterly Rock with a smirk on my face I think. Your move Oberyn.


Oberyn's POV

I woke up with a terrible headache, had way too much to drink last night. And when I found my way to the keep, my brother was furious that I missed the meeting with the Lannisters, but what did he expect really? For me to be happy about marrying into the family who murdered our sister and her children? Never, even the gods know I deserved to forget yesterday.

*knock* "Brother, we need to talk" argh, why me? "Go away Doran, I'll come up with an excuse for the little flower in the afternoon." My brother rarely loses his cool, but saying that made him storm into my chambers "You fool, she left!" now with that I sit up on the bed "What?" Doran is looking as if he could kill me "Yeah, she left this morning because there was a problem with her ship, won't be back for a couple of days" hmm, the flower has thorns.

"Problem with her ship you say?" Doran looks somewhat defeated "She was clearly upset you humiliated her yesterday by not showing up. So now she will only give you one day to meet her before she leaves for Essos" my brother goes to sit down and puts his head between his hands.

I walk out to the balcony, welcoming the fresh morning air in my bare torso. I hear Doran exhale, clearly frustrated "Oberyn I understand why you would not want to marry the girl, but you have got to move past it. This marriage is for the good of the family and you know it. Besides she is truly a beautiful girl" yeah I do, gods know I hate the Lannisters, but they are bloody powerful.

"Calm down brother, I will marry her... In six years, right now I don't have to worry about whether or not she likes me." I put on a simple shirt and yellow tunic, and started making my way out the door "For now you make pretty eyes at lord Tywin, while I explore the city, the soldiers tell me it has many quality brothels" and I plan on visiting them all.

As I walk the streets "Well played flower, leaving me stranded with your family. Let's see how you'll act once we come face to face." 

Game on Flower.


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