17. Deciding On A Path (2)

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The Xu clan's estate did not miss a single stone from its yards or tile from the rooftop, the buildings were as immaculate as they were. However, without the servants and the usual masters, they felt desolate.

Pan Lang happily escorted Xu Yejing to the estate and went to meet the First Prince who was discussing a few things with Marquis Xu and Duke Qin in Marquis Xu's study.

Fortunately, most of the plants Xu Yejing grew in her garden were the robust kind, the last few days' lack of care had not wilted them. She plucked a few seeds and fruits and ground them into powder, filling a few small bottles. She decided to not carry any of the fresh plants as she did not know how to care for them during her travel. After toiling for more than half a day, she had finished all she needed to do and decided to walk through the estate.

She even visited Xu Birou's room and Lady Jin's courtyard, as well as her other half-siblings' rooms. Although she was never close to any of them, she had still lived within the same compound for the last fourteen years, the quietude bringing a sense of solace and sadness.

She met a couple of servants en-route, who she assumed must have been the First Prince's servants who had been tasked to look after the estate. After all, all Xu clan's former servants had also been seized and sold somewhere else. Some of the higher-ranked ones, like Marquis Xu's old steward, had perished during the chaos in the prison.

Xu Yejing finally decided to wait at the main courtyard, sitting somewhat in a daze. She brushed her fingers over her wrist, an old habit. However, the jade bangle could not be felt. For some reason, she missed the cooling sensation on her skin.

"You can always choose to stay, you know?" A voice broke her out of her thought. She turned and immediately curtsied towards Min Yunfan. Her father, Duke Qin, and Pan Lang walked behind him, they must have finished whatever they were discussing.

The First Prince gestured with a wave of his hand, indicating for the three men to leave him and Xu Yejing alone. Throwing a last glance towards her, Marquis Xu withdrew from sight.

Noticing she had not yet straightened her back, Min Yunfan smiled, "Miss Xu, there is no need of propriety between us."

"This one wouldn't dare," was her brief response, alienating but polite.

Silence fell between them, she refused to gauge the other person. She considered Qin Zhe as a childhood friend, thus keeping his well-intention in mind, she did not wish to delve about his schemes further. As for the Second Prince, for whatever he was planning for himself, he still saved Xu Biyao. He Zhanyi, who acted as Min Qiheng's attendant, also saved her from being picked by the Empress Dowager's people during the slave selection. To that extent, Pan Lang also helped. He seemed to be working for the First Prince as well as being the Sect's disciple, but Xu Yejing did not know yet to what extent.

Min Yunfan coughed, putting on a smile, "You can always choose to stay, Miss Xu, if you don't wish to travel the jianghu and embark on a difficult path of the cultivation world. The mortal world is colorful and vast already, no riches or pleasantries lacking."

"Your Highness, it is truly not the right time yet to talk about the riches and pleasantries of the mortal world," Xu Yejing interjected.

What did he think she was? She might be young, but she was not oblivious to the way of the world. The way the First Prince was speaking to her, was as though he was trying to coax a five year old. "It will be this one's fortune if Your Highness can speak frankly."

Pan Lang was still in this estate. Xu Yejing might be currently powerless, but she knew she was important to the Sect. With one of the Sect's disciples around, although Pan Lang might be working for the First Prince, he would never let her be harmed.

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