"At the tour of the Academy...Cordell was lost and encountered both Elisabeth and Leonel who were also lost. Cordell saw how clingy Leonel was to Elisabeth and wanted to see what the big deal was."

"This is interesting. Please continue." He nodded leaning back on the tree.

So I did. Well I did continue to be exact. I told him the whole story beginning to end. The whole time he looked off and every so often I'd look at him and make sure he was paying attention. Of course he was.

"Wow so he killer himself...that is really dark." He frowned.

"I know! It is a really dark novel." I nodded. For a second I forgot I was in the novel. It felt more like I was talking to an old friend who wanted to know more about me. Which didn't usually happen, but it felt really nice.

"I believe you." He said suddenly.

"Huh? You do?" I look at him shocked.

"I mean, yeah? Why not? You seem convinced. It's interesting so I'll believe you." He nodded. I burst into a smile, "But..."

"But?" I echoed him.

"Where do you come into this? Why doesn't Elisabeth have the element she is supposed too?"

"I care into this a long time ago. When I chose to protect him from my fiancé. I didn't recognize Edwin or Colette so I became friends with them. It was unknown to me that they were characters in the story. Also if I knew why Elisabeth doesn't have the water element...." I shook my head.

"So why does Leonel seem so fond of you? What is your relationship?" He continued. I sat for a second thinking. We are friends...I flushed bright red. Ugh why am I thinking about that now? It was a complete accident. Who knew I could be such a fox when drunk.

"You're blushing." He pointed out, leaning down and in to get a better look, causing me to flush more.

"No I'm not." I stammered, looking away.

"You are. What happened between you two?" He asked grabbing my face and making me look his way.

"Nothing." I replied, making eye contact hoping he would drop it.

"Liar." He mumbled pinching my cheeks.

"Ow ow!" I whined. He showed no mercy, however.

"Tell meeee." He grumbled.

"Okay okay!" I whined. He let go and I rubbed my cheeks.

"I got too tipsy on the entrance party." I started before he gasped.

"You didn't!" He gasped covering his mouth.

"No I didn't...." I rubbed my temples and sighed, "We didn't do anything. I kind of pounced on him." I sighed again. I looked up to meet his eyes for any sort of judgement. He was looking at the ground shaking. Then suddenly he burst out laughing.

"I didn't think you'd be the kind to do that." He laughed.

"I was out of it." I sighed dramatically.

"And you pounced on him." He added. "People say drunk actions and words are just sober thoughts, so you must've found him pretty attractive." He laughed.

"Well...I guess." I answered honestly, "But I find a lot of people attractive." I protested.

"Yeah like who? Your devil fiancé?" He replied.

"No...no...ew...no!" I stuttered. I don't like to be a mean person. Looks don't all matter but his personality is terrible too.

"Then who, hm?" He tilted his head.

"Well you're attractive." I admired in a normal tone, though I was freaking out mentally that I blurted that out. It was silent for a bit and I sighed. Gosh I scared him off...

"D-do you have no shame?" He blurted. I looked at him to see his eyes wide and a hand covering his mouth. His cheeks looked like he let a three year old applied blush to him.

"Hah! what?" I laughed looking at his face.

"How can you just say something like that to a man?" He continued being flushed.

"Man..." I snorted.

"W-well you can't just say something like that to someone, they'll get the wrong idea..." He mumbled. Cute...

Realizing what I just thought my head burst into flames. My whole face was tomato red.

"W-why are you blushing now?" He blurted.

"N-no reason no reason..." I waved my hand dismissively. We sat in silence for a bit cooling down. I set my hands on my cheeks to cool my face. I glanced over at Simeon wondering if I should do the same for him.

"Hey Simeon?" I asked, getting his attention.

"Hm?" He glanced at me his face still kind of red. I reached out cupping his face in my hands, turning him to face me. When he did I made sure to put in my elemental energy to cool him down. The redness in his face, decreases significantly. Suddenly he cupped his hand around mine as I tried to pull away. She leaned into my touch just as Leon did.

"I've never felt a sensation like this before." He sighed leaning in more, before suddenly becoming aware of his actions.

"A-ah, I apologize." He says in his usual cool tone, but with pink speckled across his cheeks.

"It's alright..."

"Um but don't just go and call any guy attractive, okay?" He blurted, looking me dead in the eyes. Before I got the chance to respond, I sensed someone else's presence.

"Oh Jody?"

I Woke Up in the Male Lead's BedWhere stories live. Discover now