54. Loose Ends

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"Hey. You sure you're okay just leaving like that?" he asked, tailing after her. "I mean, you were pretty sure about that kid and all. Weren't you supposed to confront them or whatever? You haven't even met the kid."

Ponzu looked back at Pokkle over her shoulder, questioning. "You prefer to go back?"

His gaze flew to his throbbing hand, the one Feitan had only begun to inflict pain on when he'd passed out. It was wrapped in white gauze Ponzu came prepared with, but it still hurt immensely when he touched it. Not to mention that one responsible for the damage had been sending him a withering look every time he breathed the wrong way, right up until they'd been allowed to leave. "Fair point."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Besides," she said, pausing on a hill. She turned back towards the base, her expression softening. "I wouldn't want to intrude more than I already have."

"Isn't that why you agreed to come with me, though?"

"Yes, but..." The wind played with her hair and she pushed back a lock of neon to get one last look. "I was technically his aunt, but now there are others to fill that position."

Pokkle cradled his hand and leaned forward, doubtful. "And you're fine with that." His feeling intensified when she merely smiled her affirmation and tore away her gaze, heading back towards the city they were staying in. He raised his head and complained loudly to the sky. "This is so unsatisfying. Why is it turning out like this after all you did?"

"You're one to talk," she shot back, and grabbed his injured hand before he could stop it, lifting it up. "Take a look at this. Why did this happen?"

He winced, but glad she was gripping his wrist instead of the bandaged area. "Because I was caught-"

"No," Ponzu stated. "This is because you were shooting children. And from what I'm hearing, they weren't even your correct targets. How could you mistake your targets? Be glad the woman vouched for you and said her gut told her you had nothing else to do with it. It's a miracle I managed to convince them to let you go at all, let alone alive."

"And thanks for that," he tried to say, but was caught up in another wave of her precautions. His hand wasn't hurting any less—it was aching beyond belief right now—but he was grateful his suffering ended at that. Getting beat up hadn't been too easy, but permanent damage was something he'd been lucky to escape, especially under the circumstances.

Though still not exactly pleased, Ponzu let go. "What if you'd hit Zushi?"

"I might've been going behind your back and I sure did mess up," he admitted, huffing to save his pride even if just by a little, "but I pay attention. I knew not to hit him, at least, and it's not like one of my arrows could go astray." He ignored the look this earned him. "If you're so concerned about what I could've done, shouldn't you be more concerned about the people he's with?"

Her turquoise eyes flicked to his hand, and he knew he'd won. It was better now with the protective wrappings, but before it had been broken and bloodied, a rather horrifying sight to see. Feitan had done this to him, the one who'd done the least bit of talking yet was the most in charge of the rest of the group that seemed close to murder in various degrees. Someone had begun to—he wasn't going to sugarcoat it anymore—torture him, and that someone also had an assassination attempt hanging over his head. Someone actively wanted to kill off the group for reasons unknown to him. Why?

"I'm not sure if that group can be trusted. Not after all that's happened."

"I know. I know that, but somehow..." Pokkle didn't notice all her smiles until now had been plastic right up to the moment where it suddenly wasn't anymore, where her shoulders slumped free of tension and her wide eyes crinkled at the edges. Her brisk walking slowed for the slightest of moments as she answered, "I have a feeling he's going to be just fine."

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