A trip to mexico

428 13 14

Thana POV

"Yesterday you guys said something about the pillarmen or whatever, right?"

I nod. "I told you. They are family members."

"Don't give me that crap!" He shouted throwing me off guard. "Yesterday I got in a fight with a vampire that warned me about these pillarmen. You're looking a lot healthy in sunlight to be a super vampire."

"Can you not be so loud? I'll explain what you need to know. Just come inside please. I don't want the whole city to hear our conversation."

Joseph sat in a chair and waited with a look of annoyance. "So? Are you gonna answer my question or not?"

"Me and Lyra don't exist yet. We are from the year 2020." 'Fuck it. I'll just tell him.'

"Don't pull my leg! And even if that were true, you shouldn't be able to walk in sunlight!"

"I'm a hybrid. I can't say much, because I don't know the consequences, but I'm half human. As for Lyra, her species doesn't exist yet. Explaining it to you would be be pointless. It's one of the reasons she keeps a mask on when she's around humans."

Joseph looks at Lyra who's peeking from under her covers. "I don't believe you. Prove that you're a pillarman-... pillarwoman."

I show my fangs. "There are other things I can do and I feel really really stupid asking you this question, but, could you just trust me on this?"

"Huh!? Just what the hell are you saying?"

"I need you to trust me. I really can't explain it. If I mess with time there are very extreme consequences that I don't know about. I'm sure you know what a paradox is. I understand why you don't trust me, but you have to believe that they are my family. Please."

"..." 'I feel so dumb. That old bitch put me in this situation.' "Fine. I'll trust you. For now. But if you try to take my blood I won't hesitate in killing you with hammon."

Lyra perks up. "Hammon? I've heard of that. What does it do? Is it like sun light karate?-" Lyra then stopped talking and started sniffing the air.

"Um... What's she doing?" Joseph asked.

"I don't know, but uh funny story." I laugh nervously. "She might be resisting the urge to eat you."

"No. I'm not. I can't even smell him." Lyra says getting out of bed. "I can't smell you either. I can only smell what's close by."

She runs out the door and me and Joseph stand up. "Lyra! What the hell!?" I say running after her.

"W-wait for me!" Joseph yells from behind.

We heard a scream in the hall way. 'No no no! Lyra, what did you do!? Please tell me you didn't do anything!"

I turn the corner and see a man on the floor cowering in fear. Lyra was beside the man eating something. "Lyra! Oh my god! Spit it out now!" I bend down and try to pry her mouth open. After a few seconds of struggling, I was finally able to get her mouth open. A chewed up flower came out her mouth. "What the hell?"

"She was eating the flowers?" Joseph said confused.

Lyra swallows the last flower and stands up. She turns to the man on the ground and apologizes. "I was just really hungry."

"Geez kid. You didn't have to eat my flowers! They have an all you can eat buffet. Please feed your kid!" He says to me while standing up.

"I'm sorry. She doesn't usually do that." I apologize as the man walks off shaking his head. I turn to Lyra. "LyrA? WHat tHE FuCK was THAT?"

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