49: DIO, The Final Battle

Start from the beginning

"What's your hidden power everyone has been talking about?" He asks. You turn to face him.

"Well, I uh... I'm able to see into the future," you say hesitantly. You look at Jotaro and for the first time ever, you see Jotaro with a beyond shocked impression. "I- I know it's hard to believe, but it's true," you continue to explain. "It's kind of hard to put into words. It's almost as if time stops when I see them, and when the vision ends, they happen. I'm unable to control when I'll get a vision of the future, but they usually occur when something vital is going to happen or when someone I care about is in danger. These visions I see, they're never in my own perspective. They're always in a first-person point of view, usually from the perspective of the person who's in danger. Just recently, some of the visions I see are in third person point of view, so I can see everyone and everything around me, like watching a movie."

"That's incredible. I didn't know you could do that," Jotaro says in awe. You look away with a blush. Being praised by him of all people, made your heart race.

"Jotaro, there's more," you say. "These visions... the future I see, it isn't set. I feel like they're more of a warning. A warning of what will happen if I don't do anything about it."

"I see... When did you discover this power?" Jotaro asks.

You snap out of your thoughts and look at him with a guilty smile. 'Shit. I had this power while I was still with the group. Damn it Y/n! I should have told them when I had the chance!' Jotaro's eyes squint at you and you knew he could tell something was up.

"Y/n?" Jotaro says almost accusingly and he turns his entire body towards you. He takes a step forward and you take a step back, causing another shield to form. You start to get nervous and you begin to talk at 100 mph, trying to explain everything at once.

"Well, you see there was a lot for me to think about, with everything going on you know? And then I thought you all would think I was crazy because I already told you guys about being in a tv show, so I wasn't sure how to tell you guys I had this power-"

"Wait. You had this power while you were still with us?!" Jotaro blurts out. Suddenly there's a loud commotion and Vanilla Ice had managed to get to your level while you both were talking. Jotaro grabs you and he jumps off the shield. He lands on the ground with you still in his arms.

"You okay?" Jotaro asks.

"I'm fine," you respond. You both look up and see Cream coming towards you both.

"Stand back, I'll try to get him out of his stand," Jotaro says pulling you behind him.

"But Jotaro he-"

You're suddenly further back from Jotaro, and he was dodging Cream, waiting for the right moment to strike. Cream suddenly makes a sharp turn towards Jotaro.

"Airstrike Shield," you command. The force of air knocks back Cream, as well as protects Jotaro from being injured. Cream starts to roll in your direction and Jotaro suddenly appears in front of you. He snatches you and jumps away with little time to spare.

"Tch. How long is this bastard going to take?" Jotaro huffs, annoyed with Vanilla Ice.

"He's probably extremely cautious right now. He knows you're able to stop time, so he wants to make sure you're dead or at least injured before he comes out," you explain.

The Stars Don't Hold Our Fate (Jotaro x Reader x Kakyoin)Where stories live. Discover now