Flower of the nation

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Seven o'clock in the morning. Mileena's friend and neighbor gets out of bed. Her face is completely devoid of any emotions. She indifferently washes her face with ice water, after which she goes and brews herself cheap domestic coffee, and fries a toast. Mechanically swallowing breakfast, having received no pleasure from it, she went to dress up. The official suit of the "NAS" employee is a black dress just above the knee, heels and a red beret, sometimes a black leather jacket or coat of the same color can be worn over it. She went down the subway in order to get to the Palace of Culture faster. In the subway, people looked like the installation of a disaster film, but she herself was part of this picture, and was not against it. Already standing in front of the doors to the Palace, at the reception, she received an envelope on which the number of the van was written. The parking lot totaled more than a hundred vans, but she knew which sections they were placed in, so she found her's in a couple of minutes. Inside, a driver was waiting for her. Without greeting each other and without even turning to each other, they simply left and picked up four representatives of the "Day Patrol". One of them was a young man named Richard. He was a little thin, so the uniform was a bit big for him, every morning he carefully laid his thick wavy hair, because men must first legitimize their appearance, and then save money for it. Most recently, the party appointed him to this position, so the first working day was a great adventure for him. "Rínkho Kenté" headed to the area where Mileena lived. Having parked in the quarter, they began to wait for eight o'clock in the morning.

Richard looked at the broadcaster, he admired her brown bob cut hairstyle, sensual lips, and brown eyes. It seemed to him that she even smelled special.Eight in the morning. Mileena was awakened by a familiar voice coming through the window:

"Good morning, dear comrades! Get out on a mandatory morning exercise. Maintains tone, strengthens the spirit! Don't be late! "

Chaplina got out of bed, and opened the water. Just touching the jet, she immediately drew her hand back, because from contact with such water it was easy to get frostbite. Central heating in the houses practically did not work. It was turned on from nine in the morning, when everyone was supposedly at work and turned off at fourteen in the evening, when most people returned home, so representatives of the "Patrol" took readings from the meters and revealed who poured how much water. Why is it needed if utilities are free? Then, to identify which of the citizens is sitting at home and not working. In fact, identifying parasites, and summoning them to court. Why is it needed if utilities are free? Then, to identify which of the citizens are sitting at home and not working. In fact, identifying parasites, and summoning them to court. Parasitism, along with violations of public moral standards, could cost from seven to fifteen years in prison in the "State National Insulator". The sophistication of punishment consists in the constant isolation of the punished. The convicts are dressed in straitjackets, placed in rooms with soft walls without windows. Those who managed to get free on parole were told that two guards are standing near each room and are on duty specifically for you. In the "isolators" they do not feed, but in the toilet and shower they are escorted personally, according to the schedule. Most prisoners die of starvation, and if the guards think that you are too violent, then after a psychiatrist examination you can be put in special refrigeration rooms, many convicted serial killers were frozen to death in such cells. It is not known for certain whether this was done intentionally or accidentally. But people know about this, and try to follow to the ruling party in everything, because it has has no subtexts. The masses have learned to perceive information clearly and verbatim.

Mileena opened the refrigerator. There is practically nothing to eat, but she found and made the simplest oatmeal porridge on the water and ate two slices of an apple, washed down with warm water. She looked up at the portraits of two women. They looked down at her with wide, sincere smiles. At this very time, in the "broadcast truck", Mileena's neighbor opened the envelope containing the text. The headline read: "Month: Veylet, day: 34th, cycle: 7528, name: Aglaya Proslavskaya." The girl carefully red the introductory instructions and pressed the button, activating the microphone. Residents of houses have already gathered in the yards of the district, near the entrances of the high-rise buildings the house managers were checking for missing people, and from the "Rínkho Kenté" suddenly came a clearly posed female voice:

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