Chapter Three - Watch Your Back

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As Sharla walked down the hallway she ran into Doctor Harper. Literally.

 "Oh, I'm so sorry Doctor Harper, I..."

 "It's fine Sharla, and by the way it's Scott."

 She smiled, "Are you on your rounds?" 

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I was just on my way to Justin Morgan's room." 

"Really? I was just on my way there too."

 He smiled, bowed, and then extended his arm to her, "Well, may I escort you their madam?" 

She smiled and curtsied gracefully, "Why yes, you certainly may."

They walked into Justin's room, finding him fast asleep. Scott gestured to the bed and asked Sharla to wake Justin up while he read over the chart. She walked over to Justin's bedside and softly shook his arm, "Justin. Justin, wake up." He slowly opened his eyes,

"Mom?" She chuckled, "No, Justin. It's nurse Sharla." 

"Oh, hi." 


 Scott walked over casually, "How do you feel, Justin?"

"Like I got hit by a truck."

 Scott smiled, "Close enough."

After they finished with Justin, Sharla headed to the cafeteria for her lunch break. Not the classiest restaurant in town, but the only available so-called food near the hospital. After she prayed over her meal, she looked up to see Scott standing there, smiling, "May I join you?"

 "Um, well, Faith was going to meet me here, but you're more than welcome to join us."

 "Well, if you're going to twist my arm, I don't what any trouble."

* * * *

Jonathan turned on the radio and found the news, the first thing he heard was, "Yes, sir, we know for a fact, that he is indeed in this area." He was trying to listen to what they were saying, when his phone rang, he turned off the radio and looked at the caller ID, it said, 'Private Caller.' 

When he answered, he heard a man's voice, but it sounded muffled, he said, "Hi, there...remember me?"

Jonathan waited a moment and then asked, "To whom am I speaking?"

There was a click and then total silence, no ringing of the phone, nothing. Not anything! He got that sick feeling again. He was afraid because he knew who it was.

* * * *

David glanced at his wristwatch, 5:38...I wonder if Jonathan's free. David hit speed dial and as soon as Jonathan answered, David could hear the nervousness in his voice as though something had happened. "You okay?"

 "Yeah, but we need to talk. Could you come over here? I think it's best to talk about it in person, instead of over the phone."

 " want to meet somewhere and eat dinner?"

As David parked, he saw Jonathan walking in the door of the restaurant, he got out and slowly walked inside, when he reached Jonathan, he was white as a sheet. "Man, you look like you've seen a ghost." "A ghost of my past." "What?"

Jonathan forced a smile, "You must be hungry, come on let's get something to eat." David didn't push the subject, he knew Jonathan would tell him when he was ready to. They didn't talk about much of anything as they ate. Jonathan asked, "Do you want to go out to the car for a minute?"

David was confused but reluctantly excepted. When they got into Jonathan's car, he locked the doors, then looked straight at David, "Do you remember three years ago, when I did that last big case?"

 "When you put Gino in prison?" 

"Yeah, well, I think he's back."

 " I thought he was in prison for life."

 "He was, but he's escaped."

After Jonathon told David the story, he sat there in shock. Then, to break the silence that filled the air, David asked, "Well, what are you going to do?" 

"I don't know if I should do anything, or even what to do."

 "Jonathan, you were and are the best FBI agent, ever! You can do anything you want!"

 "No, David, I'm not. You know what happened. Ever since the accident, I..." Jonathan sighed and stared out the window, seeming to be a million miles away. 

"Jonathan, it wasn't your fault. It could have been anyone."

 "But, it wasn't just anyone, David. It was me."

 David sat there for a moment, not knowing what to say, he was praying for his brother, but he was also praying for God to give him the words to say to comfort him, "Jay, I don't know what to say, because I've never had that happen to me, but I'm sure if I was in your shoe's, I would have done the same thing. Anyone would."

Jonathan nodded, "Sometimes I wonder if I could have done something different...if I was two seconds later." 

"Jonathan, I don't know who made the choice, but I'm glad it's the way it is." David paused, then continued, "Do you know why I became a policeman?" 

"You like helping people."

 "Besides that."

Jonathan shook his head, "No." 

"I became one because I wanted to be like my big brother...I've always looked up to you, and more than likely always will."

Jonathan smiled, "I never knew that."

 "Well, you wouldn't. I never told you, I didn't want you to get a big head about it, but if you tell anyone I told you that I'll deny it."

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