Valentine's day or bust ~ M

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The bright afternoon sunlight hits your face, nearly blinding you as you and your best friend exit the dimly lit movie theater. “Ahh, my eyes,” you shriek, shielding your face with your hands.

Allie grunts in agreement. “I feel like a vampire exiting my coffin for the first time.”

“Strange analogy. Even stranger that it makes sense.”

Allie pulls out her phone, looks at the screen, and puts it back in her pocket.

“Is he on his way?” you ask, referring to her boyfriend Harvey, who agreed to pick the two of you up.

“Yeah. Max is coming too,” says Allie, looking sideways at you. You can’t hide anything from your best friend, and though you haven’t said anything outright, she can tell you’re interested in Max

“Okay,” you reply nonchalantly. Allie laughs. “Oh, come on, I know you like him. When are you going to do something about it?”

You sigh, dropping the act. “I don’t know. We’re not that close yet…and anyway, I don’t like him that much!”

“Puh-lease! You’re obsessed with him. It’s plain as day.” Allie elbows you teasingly. “And apparently the four of us will be going to their house today, so this is your chance to get close!” She winks.

You try to control the bubbling excitement. You’ve been to your crush’s house maybe once or twice before, what with him being Allie’s boyfriend's brother. But, due to your crippling awkwardness, you can barely hold a conversation with him. Maybe today will be different. After all, the romantic movie you and Allie just watched has inspired you a little.

A car pulls up in front of the theater and honks obnoxiously. “Shut up, we’re coming,” Allie hollers through the open window at her boyfriend, Harvey. She opens the door and climbs into the shotgun seat, leaving the back seat to you…and presumably Max. You wipe your palms on your pants and open the door.

And there he is, grinning at you as you climb in and sit down next to him. “Hey, Cait,” he says, and that simple greeting is suddenly the sexiest, smoothest thing you’ve ever heard. You sigh involuntarily, then quickly remember yourself and try to act cool. “Oh, hey, Max,” you reply, buckling your seat belt.

“So. Our house,Max ?” asks Harvey as he pulls out of the parking lot.

“Yeah, our parents aren’t home so we can get turnt,” Max jokes. “As in, like, bust out the root beer.”

You laugh, a little too loudly, considering it wasn’t that funny. Allie is right, you’re really not subtle about your crush. But thankfully, Max seems oblivious.

“You can stay pretty late, too, if you want,” he continues.

Turning away to face the window, you smile a little to yourself. Spending the whole evening with Max sounds like a pretty good time to you. You just hope you won’t screw anything up with your awkwardness.

Harvey pulls into their driveway and you all hop out. When you’re all inside the house, Max grabs a few root beers from the fridge. You take one from him and your fingers touch for a second.

Max and Harvey imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon