Rebound ~ H

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Sitting on your bed leaning back against the headboard on a Friday night was not precisely what you wanted to be doing. You flipped open your Macbook and pulled up Netflix, a few tears slipping from your eyes as your thoughts were consumed by the phone call you just finished. Adrian had just broken up with after you two had dated for eight months. He was your first kiss, your first ‘I love you,’ and he was also your first hard breakup.

You didn’t know how to react because you didn’t see it coming at all. He had called you about twenty minutes ago and said “Y/N, we need to talk,” and then the end of the conversation left you in tears.

As you typed in the search bar for chick flicks to drown out your sadness, a FaceTime call appeared on your screen. You wish you could ignore it, but it was your best friend Harvey, and if you clicked decline you knew he would only call you again and again. So you clicked accept.

“Hey bubba, I was thinking, what if we– wait, why are you crying?” Harvey  asked.

You sniffled and wiped your eyes, pulling mascara off with your fingers, “Hey.”

“Y/N you’re not okay, what happened?” he asked, now completely serious.

A drastic change from his previous happy and upbeat self moments ago.

“Harvey I’m okay,” You tried to convince myself more than him.

“No you’re not, I’m coming over, I’ll be there soon.” he said and then quickly hung up.

Ugh. You didn’t need Harvey to see you like this. You knew that he wouldn’t react very well to the breakup. When you had first said yes to Adrian when he’d asked you out, Harvey had gone to him and told him to take good care of you, and to talk things out if they got rough. Well Adrian left me crying and Harvey was not happy to see me like this.

After about ten or so minutes you heard the front door open and close, your mom say, “Hello Harvey, Y/N is upstairs in her room,” and footsteps on the 16 stairs down the hall. There was a knock at your door.

“Y/N?” Harvey said. “Can I come in?”

“I don’t want you to.” I said.

He opened the door anyway, letting himself in. “Well too bad, you don’t get that choice right now,” he proclaimed.

“Then why did you offer it?” You asked, more tears falling down your cheeks.

He quickly stepped to you, “Oh no no no, Y/N, don’t cry, it’ll be okay, I’m here now.”

He sat on your bed with you, and took you in his arms. He cradled you, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him as you cried into his chest.

He silently held you for a moment before he spoke again.

“Y/N, do you want to talk about it? Tell me what happened.”

I pulled myself out of his chest enough to look him in the eyes, “Adrian broke it off.”

His expression went from concerned to shocked to angry to comforting in less than two seconds. “Oh Y/N,” he hugged you, holding you tighter. “Did he say why?”

“He just wasn’t feeling it anymore, his feelings had gone flat and run out.” You cried into his chest, my salty tears staining his black shirt. “He wasn’t interested in me anymore.”

Max and Harvey imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant