Drunk Confessions [Part 2] ~ H

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It's been a week since my drunk-ass told Harvey how I felt about him.

We haven't spoken since the and again,I'll go to text him like I normally do but then I realise what happened and I get sad.

I hate that this is how things go after stupid as it sounds,it's like I'm missing a piece of me.Not only did I lose my guy I love,I lost my best friend and that's a real heartbreak.

Max invited me out to the club and told me that Harvey wouldn't be there.I was going to pass down but once he said that,I realized I deserve to go out and have fun

Me,Max,Dobby,Dylan and Tom pull up to the club.Tonight nothing is going to stop me from having fun.We walk to to find guys drinking away their problems and slutty girls grinding on horny boys.Just another normal nightclub.

We all sit down at one of the booths.

'You want a drink?' Max asks me while he's still standing.

'Sure.' I reply

'The usual?'

'Yes please' I lean back in the booth.

I'm going to enjoy tonight.I'm not even gonna think about Harvey tonight.

After more drinks and dancing,I decide to sit down cause I'm out of breath.

Tom comes over to me and extends his hand.

'Wanna dance?' He asks me.

I fit my hand into his.

'Sure.' I respond.

We walk over to the middle of the dance floor and start dancing.

I never realise how good of a dancer Tom is.I also never took any notice to how hot he is but right now him standing in front of me..holy fuck the guy is good looking.

'Liv,it's just the drinks talking' My mind reminds me.I feel him move closer to me but I take no notice.

I'm too busy thinking about Harvey to question it.

'Liv' he whispers.

'Yes Tom?' I ask.

'I need to tell-' He gets cut off by someone tapping him on his shoulder.

'Mind if I butt in?' I hear a voice say and I recognise the voice instantly.My heart drops. It's Harvey

'Sure' Tom says through gritted can tell he's pissed off but he tries his best not to show it.

Tom walks away and I'm not sure where but honestly I don't care.

Harvey is here.Harvey is standing in front of me.I feel my knees weaken and my breath hitch.

I feel my face heaten up and my stomach turn into a knot.I need fresh air.

'I have to go,I'm sorry.' I say rushing past him to the front door.

I burst through the door into the cold London street.I breathe in the cold,crisp air and sigh.I'm such an embarrassment.

Harvey probably thinks I was trying to ignore him.

I hear the door open.

'Harvey?' I ask but I turn around to find Max which a concerned look on his face.

Max has always been like a brother to me. He found out I liked Harvey when I accidentally sent him a text talking about Harvey that was actually meant for one of my other friends. Let's just say he never stopped mocking me for it. He never told a soul that I liked Harvey which I am so grateful for

'Hey' I say sheepishly.

He walks over to me and gives me a hug.

'Liv,I saw what happened.Why did you run out?' He asks me separating from the hug.

'Honestly I don't know.Just seeing Harvey standing in front of me got me so nervous and all of a sudden I felt sick and I ran out here for some fresh air.' I explain.

Max sighs.

'Y/N,you know you're gonna have to talk to him about eventually. I know you and I know for a fact that you can't go much longer without talking to him about this. It's time to face the music and actually address this like mature adults' He says.

I sigh back.

"Growing up sucks, doesn't it" He says with a chuckle

'I know.I just don't know what to say to him.' I tell him.

'Maybe start by saying hi.' I hear a voice behind me say.

I turn around to find Harvey standing there.

God,that boy is everywhere.

'I'll leave you guys to talk.' Max says and he walks back inside but before he does, he whispers something in Harvey's ear

Harvey slowly walks towards me.'

'Liv what happened in there? You really scared me' He says.

'And you know what Harvey, my feelings scare me sometimes. Maybe it was the fact that we haven't spoken in a week and out of nowhere,you just appeared. Maybe it's the fact thatyou kissed me last week and it hasn't left my mind once. Maybe it's the fact that I don't want to lose you in my life' I say almost ranting

I look at him

"Harvey, why are you here tonight?' I ask

'Liv, Dobby told me you would be here tonight and I just knew I had to talk to her face-to-face.' He explains.

'What did you want to talk to me about?' I ask crossing my arms over my chest protectively.

I don't want to let my guard down and I know that asking that question could do so many different ways. I have to be prepared for the worst

He reaches out and gently goes hold my hand and he gives it a little squeeze.

'Liv, honestly I had no good reason for running out.I guess I was just scared of losing you. It sounds silly but you really mean a lot to me. I didn't want to fuck that up' He admits.

I sigh.

'C'mon Harvey you'll never lose me.We'll always be friends.' I tell him but he frowns and looks down to the florx

I lean in towards him.

'But... if you want...we could be more than friends.' I say giving him a sheepish smile.

I don't think I've ever been more nervous to say a sentence in my life

He looks at me with a big grin plastered on his face.

'Really?' He asks with a small grin beginning to appear on his face


He leans in to kiss me and I smile into the kiss.

Maybe good things take time,after all

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