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this chapter was basically a copy and paste from tumblr, but i never liked it so enjoy this free chapter of headcanons.

mina is black cause i said so. argue with ya mama not me

shigaraki would've been a great rescue hero cause of his quirk

momo styles her hair after midnight

all the teachers hang out on the weekends and talk about the kids (in a loving way)

bakugo's hands are scarred cause of his quirk

sero and miles morales would be besties

hawks and miruko are besties

when all might talks shit about all for one he calls him a mashed potato

the todorokis would've been a family of pro heroes (like iida's fam) if things worked out differently

todoroki's entire left side would probably be scarred from his quirk

aizawa let's eri play in his hair

oboro would've helped aizawa take care of eri

kirishima's hair is stiff as hell cause of all the product he used to get it the way he does

dekusquad are the actual chaotic group instead of bakusquad

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