Alec laid his head down on the table with a dull thud, deciding in that moment that he could have today. Tomorrow he'd get back to real life, but today he was just gonna wallow.

"Oh please don't be so melodramatic," Jace said, too chipper for Alec's taste.

"And why not," Alec replied, his eyes closed with his forehead still on the table.

"You said last night went great," Jace reminded him. "So does that mean you're gonna see Magnus again?"

"I doubt it," Alec answered. "Though he did say he'd get his friend to help tow my car, he didn't say anything about me seeing him again."

"Oh come now, that doesn't mean anything," Jace countered. "You just have to be the bigger man and ask him out first."

"It was a fake date, Jace," Alec sighed, lifting his head to glare at his brother. "Fake, not genuine, counterfeit, a forgey, a sham, not real."

"As if," Jace waved his hand dismissively. "I saw the way the guy looked at you."

"Whatever," Alec groaned. "Clary is there enough coffee for me?"

"I suppose," she smiled. Taking pity on him enough to even walk over and hand him a mug full of steaming coffee.

"You know you are my favourite right?" Alec said as he sipped the beautiful beverage. Clary chuckled.

"You only have one sister-in-law," Jace reminded him. "Unless Max's eighth grade class is suddenly doing nuptials." He laughed at his own joke. "Not much to say she's your favourite."

"Sister-in-law my ass," Alec snorted. "You two have been together so long she's just my sister. And my favourite sister."

"Still you only have two sisters," Jace continued to ruin Alec's mood.

"And only one of them brings me coffee," Alec remarked. "Aka my favourite."

"You snooze you loose," Clary told her husband, with a laugh.

"And on that note some of us have to go to work," Jace said before kissing his wife goodbye and headed towards the door. "See you both tonight." Clary replied by wishing him a good day at work and then the door closed behind him.

The moment he left, Alec saw Clary's face fall and knew at once what was wrong. "Nothing again this month too huh?"

"I just don't understand what's wrong," Clary sighed. "But nevermind this isn't your problem, Alec." She tried to force a smile.

"Yeah none of that," Alec said. "You two are family and family problems are always my problems. What did the doctor say?"

"Still waiting on results," Clary sighed. "Just sucks."

"Yeah," Alec said, unsure what else he could say in this situation.

He was saved from having to try and come up with more ways to cheer up his favourite sister, when his phone went off. Reaching automatically for it Alec read the message.

'Scott got back to me,' Magnus's text read. 'He said he's free anytime this morning if that works for you.'

'Thanks,' Alec texted back. 'This morning works fine.' He then added the street he'd parked his car on.

"Hey Clary," Alec said looking up from his phone. "Can I trouble you for a ride?"

"Jace just took our car to work," Clary reminded him.

"Oh right," Alec groaned. "It's fine. I'll bus or something."

"What happened to your car?"

"It broke down on my way to the party last night," Alec said.

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