Division Confidential

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When I entered 7th grade, I knew there was some sort of procedure that must be done. however, the upper years referred to it as 'the rite' when someone questions them about it. I definitely did not expect to join the military at the tender age of 13. 13 was a bad number, in math it is prime, in Christianity, it showed the betrayer. I think. In my life, it was the year everything changed, and also the year I might die.

When we, me and around 50 other students, entered the room, we were split up based on our skills. Although I was quiet, and a bit nerdy, most teachers knew I was a gamer, and used to learn Tae Kwon Do. I might be weak, but I'm a survivor. I was sent to a different division, where none of my close friends went. Instead, I got 12 other kids. There were 13 kids in total. Does that number ever stop interfering in my life? A man, with dark brown hair, and sharp intelligent black eyes, stood in front of us. He looked each of us in the eye, like a predator eyeing it's prey before it kills it.

After he saw us quiet down, some kids in the back had been nervously whispering, he said, "You, are team confidential. If anyone asks about your team, confidential. Anyone asks what you do, confidential. Anyone asks your name, during your stay here, confidential." At the last one, people started to murmur again. The man looked annoyed, "And if you brats don't start talking, then you may be buried 6 feet under with your mouth sowed shut."

"You are a new team. You are in charge of exploring other dimension. Most of you are going to be in charge of maintaining the portal, and only one of you at a time will enter the portal. You stay in for an hour or two, and then you leave. Simple?" I nodded, but I bit my lip. That sounds dangerous, like something my mom would not like. However, if we discovered magic! Or other creatures that may appear in fantasy books! That would be the best part of my life. He then said, "Follow me. I have to show you the training room, dorm, and the place you will be working at. For the first week, we will be enhancing your survival skills. You don't get to do anything fun till after that."

He led us through many hallways. First stop, was a gigantic metal door, with a large handle. He said, "This is the training room. You are expected to be here at 7:30 in the morning, no exceptions. You can't enter yet, since you don't have you ID's yet. However, they should be in your room, alongside your gun, and chosen weapons. Your weapons are made based on the realm you are going to enter. Each of you get one turn, and in that one turn, you are representing us." Then he turned, and set off at a brisk pace towards the next room we needed to see, which was probably the room where we will be making 'portals' in. 

The other students and I quickly glanced at each other, and then ran to catch up to him. Soon, we were at another set of doors, this one had large glass panes in the center, so we could se the warm blue light emitted by many electronics. In the center, there was a metal frame. That's where the portal will be. The guide looked at the room with a frown, and said, "This is where you will work. You will first enter this in a week. Your rooms are just one hallway down. I trust you are capable of walking there yourself?" Without waiting fro a response he left.

Sophie, a tall blond girl that I knew very little about said, "Well, he was rude."

A boy standing next to her snorted. "Too true," he said, "I guess we should go to the rooms? Also, if we aren't supposed to tell others our name, then what do we call ourselves?"

Rhea, the only other girl with Indian roots stated, "Well, I'm gonna give myself a cool code name. Do ya think the Indian Tiger fits me?"

There were sounds of approval, although whether it was for her code name, or the idea of having one, I'm unsure. Before people could start coming up with names, I quickly interjected, "How about we come up with names after we find our rooms?" It came out as sharp and rude, and I winced right after I said it. Sophie glared at me. I quickly said, "Sorry, that sounded rude, I just meant I'm tired, and today has been kinda crazy, and a certain hopefully warm bed is calling my name."

Sophie, smiled, which looked a lot better on her, "I agree. We can't stand here forever."

We then started walking in the direction of our rooms while coming up with codenames. While we talked, I learned a lot about the others. One of the boys was kind of rude, however, he cared about all of us. When Sophie tripped, he quickly caught her, and started asking if she was okay. Sophie hated bullies, wen she was younger, she got bullied a lot, and then she went to Crelian Elementary School, where she found a lot of friends. One thing that I knew for sure, was that my teammates and I were going to be okay, and who knows, we might even enjoy our time here.


The rooms we would be staying in where designed Harry Potter style. There was a large common room, that was pretty much Griffindor's common room painted black and blue.

On the left here was a spiral staircase with a large poster stating 'GIRLS', and the boy tower was on the right. After we entered the room we decided the best course of action would be going to sleep, since we all needed it.

After we all said goodnight to each other, we headed upstairs, to the girl room. There were beautiful black signs next to each bed, and when I went closer to one, I could make out blue letters saying 'Agent Silver -- Silvya Demillo'. I guess this one is my bed. Next to the bed, there was as large brown trunk that looked very used. I quickly opened it, and saw what appeared to be pajamas, however, they were all black, and didn't appear that comfortable. I quickly grabbed that, and immediately called the bathroom. After I came out, I sat down on bed, only to stand up again there on my bed, was a gun. It was sleek and glinted in the moonlight coming from one of the windows.

I felt uneasy handling it, and decided to move it into the trunk, where it can't be touched. Then I lay down, to actually sleep, said goodnight to the others, and drifted off into the sweet realm of Hypnos.

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