Hogwarts express

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I looked around the train I couldn't find a seat anywhere. I walked to the back of the train that had a compartment with two people. 

I knocked on the door to ask if it was fine form me to sit with them. 

The brown hair girl looked over to me and nodded with a small smile.

"Hello there my names Hermione!" She told me as I opened the door and took a seat next to her. She had messy hair that puffed out, and light brown eyes. 

"And I'm Harry." I looked over to Harry, he had messy jet black hair that stuck out every where and over sized glasses that didn't fit him. "What's your name?"

"Oh my name's Ron, Ron Weasley." I said quietly. I didn't talk loud I've been trying to get my voice lower, and personally I find that easier to do when speaking quietly. 

We talked about random things for a while until we got to a point and Hermione stood up. 

"Best for you two to change into your robes, we'll be at Hogwarts soon." She said than walked out. 

Oh no oh no oh no. What am I going to do, what if Harry doesn't accept me. I mean we did only just meet, what and I going to do! 

With out thinking I dart out the compartment and look for Hermione. 

When I found her I ran up to her and grabbed her by the arm. 

"Hey!" She yelled but calmed down when she noticed it was me. "Ron is something wrong?" Even though I also just meet her I feel safe around her like I can trust her. 

"Umm can we talk... Somewhere private?" She looks at me confused. Before slowly nodding. 

I pulled her to a empty compartment. "Ron what's wrong?" She asked me sympathetically. I look down avoiding eye contact. 

"Hermione can I trust you?" She looks surprised. 

"Of course you can, I'm here for you. Ok?" I nod slowly tires in the corner and my eye. 

"I'm... I'm trans. That means I was... Born a female." At this point I'm crying, scared she'll leave, but instead I was pulled into a hug. 

When the hug was over she stared me straight in the eye. "You stay here I'll get your robes and help you change." Without another word she left. 

A few minutes later I hear the door open again, thinking it was Hermione I look over. But I was mistaken. 

"Heh looks like the tomboy made a little friend." Not Malfoy

"Hey leave Ron alone!" Hermione was right behind him. When he heard her voice he jumped, causing both me and Hermione to laugh. 

He was embarrassed "mark my word you'll pay for this Weasley!" He scurried off. 

"What's his problem?" She asked still watching him. 

"I don't know, he's just like that. It's a Malfoy thing." She turns her attention back to me handing me my robes. 

When she finished helping me I hear the train stopping. "We're here!" Hermione jumped with excitement. Running off the train with me close behind. 


Malfoy you should be more careful what you say, it might just come back at you. I'm sorry I haven't made a chapter I how knows how Long. I was kinda feeling down and got out of writing until I read a comment from @turn_into_Joseph they said to keep it up which was what I needed to hear so thank you so much. AND good bye all my jellybeans till next time guys, girls, and non binary palls PEACE OUT! 

He not she (Draco x trans Ron)Where stories live. Discover now