Yay gryffindor

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'Thank you, thank you, thank you' I was so happy to not have been placed in the same house as that daddy's boy. 

Looking over to the table with bright red and gold banners hanging above, I spot my brothers.  Fred and George are cheering loudly, waving me to come over. While percy doesn't seem fazed at all, which is what I expect from him. 

I hope off the stool, making my way to the table. But when I glanced over at the other tables for a second, I swear I saw Malfoy looking annoyed. 'He probably just has a problem with the house'. 


By the end of the sorting ceremony both my new friends Harry and Hermione were also placed into Gryffindor. 

We were all instructed to follow Percy to the common room. It was nicer the I would have thought with a warm fireplace and dark red couches forming a semi-circle around a good rimmed rug. Multiple painting hung the walls some slightly moving, but others completely still. 

"Alright boys dormitories up the stairs to the left. Girls same but on your right."  

That was when it hit me 'where you I sleep?'

I looked around frantically trying to find Hermione, I grabbed her sleeve, she spins to see me standing there awkwardly. She seems confused for a second before I tilt my head to the stair case. Understanding immediately she pulls me to where my brother was, nudging me to ask the inevitable. 

"Um... Percy, where do I go?" I whispered making sure no one else would hear. 

"Ah yes, it was already discussed with Dumbledore. You will sleep in the boys dormitories but change in the bathroom. If there is any problem you come to me, Dumbledore, or professor McGonagall." With that he walks away. 

I smile back at Hermione showing everything was good. Letting out a yawn I realized how tired I was. 


I am so sorry how long it took me to make a new chapter. I hope that my writing didn't change to much in this past year.  Well make sure you stay safe and stay happy bye bye little jelly beans. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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