Name's Ron

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Weeks later                                                                                                                                                                                ________________________________________________________________________________

Finally Kings Cross station, I've been here many time for my older brothers but this is now my turn. I plan on making friends this year since it's been hard in the past with me being...trans... But this year will be different. I told my self as I dragged my trolley to platform 9 3/4.

"Fred, George you go first." Mum told them, "ok now Ron yo-" She was cut off mid sentence by a boy with mess black hair and big circular glasses. 

"Umm. Excuse me, miss how do you? Umm." The boy asked her then looked at the wall. 

"Oh, how do you get onto the platform! Yes you see just run straight ( I'M NOT) into the wall between platform 9 and 10." She told him. 

It was weird that his family was not there or that they didn't tell him, Oh well that not my business. He looked at the wall for a second before running and disappearing like that engine else. 

"Ok Ron you ready?" I nodded in response. It's my turn this is it my new life away from everything in my past.

I started to run as fast as I could. Then I was on the platform the huge black and red train blew it's loud obnoxious whistle, I look around than began to walk past groups of parents waving to their kids. 

"Wow the train is marvelo-" 

"Watch it weasle!" 

Oh no blonde hair, familiar voice. It's Draco Malfoy. Why out of all people is it him!? 

"Shove off Malfoy!" I hiss. He gives me a smug look. 

"Oh I'd watch your tongue, my father can have yours lose his job faster than you can say quidditch." He stuck him nose in the air and walk away. 

I absolutely hate Malfoy. Can he never just not say anything, every time I've seen him he's always so snobby and stuck up. I remember the first time I meet him I was with my dad at the ministry of magic. 

-----flash back----

Lucius Malfoy was heading to a hearing and a boy about the same age as me was beside him. He stopped at me and dad. 

"Oh and Draco." He looked down at who I suppose is Draco. "This is what happens when you disgrace the wizard name, and decide to study muggles instead of putting them in their place." He told the boy shifting his head towards us. 

Dad look furious. "At least I don't force my son to be something he doesn't want." He grabs my hand and turns to walk away but is stopped. 

"Son!? Author we both know she is just a confused girl in boys clothes, and will never be anything but that." I can feel my eyes start to water. 

I slipped out of my fathers hand and ran into the closest bathroom. I sat there crying for an hour before I heard someone at the door of the stall. 

"Ron is that you?" I heard my dad's voice. 

"Y-yeah." I could barely talk from crying so much. 

"I'm sorry about what Lucius said, it's not true ok. Know can you let me in?"

I unlooked the door to get pulled into my father's arms. The rest of the day I spent trying not to think about what happened. 

----flash back ended----

Ever since that day each time I see Malfoy we always get into arguments. 

WHISTLE WHISTLE! "All aboard!"

"Crap!" I grabbed my trunks and ran onto the train. "Shit that was too close."


OMG! I got reads thank y'all so much I can't believe people read these types of things (*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ. But until next time my jellybeans wash yo hands and stay safe. 

He not she (Draco x trans Ron)Where stories live. Discover now