My Love for You..

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🤔🤔Clearing the confusions🤔🤔

Some of my readers may think how could acid attacked face can become normal.. It appears only in movies na.. It won't happen in real life, then how come its possible... Here.. In my story.. As you all know, my every stories will be based on realistic events we saw in our day to day life.. Only one such exceptional story of mine is Abhigya Reincarnated love..

And one of my reader friend asked me  in the comment, "how could the normal face possible, ".. Not only her.. Many would've got the same doubt.. And now I'm clearing my lovely readers confusions... And here's the answer for you all..

Acid burns are of three types.. First degree, second degree & third degree..

First degree burns will heal on its own in a week.. It will appear like blister & it affects only the epidermis of the skin.

Second degree burns are the ones severe compared to that of first one.. It requires surgical procedures.. Bilogical skin implants.. & artificial skin transplantation is possible.. Even maxillofacial prosthesis can be applied...

Yes, here the face can be reconstructed again..  Where the severity is less... Pragya got second degree burn..

Third degree burns are the most worst ones where the face can't be reconstructed but only can be done upto its functional level not more than that...


Here the story starts..

Ram: I was so scared what will.
happen if my princess didn't get back her normal face.. Thank God, nothing such happened..

Rishi: Uncle, its because the severity is less.. And Abhi did a nice job...

By washing away the acid for 15 mins.. On the way we're coming to the hospital... So ,excess acid that's going in was washed away from destroying further... (I have already mentioned this scene in acid attack part, you would've read)

Abhi: And also Uncle, they used battery acid.. Doctor told that.. So, severity is less...

Ram hugs Abhi in happiness...

Ram: Anyway all comes back to normal.. Thanks Abhi.. Thanks Rishi.. Without you both.. I donno what Pragya, me & Priya would've..

Abhi: Uncle.. She's my fiancee, & for Rishi, she's cousin.. Its our responsibility right.. Uncle.. (Smiles)

Rishi: Uncle.. We are all one family, right.. Please don't make us think like we are outsiders... (Smiles)

Ram: Ok then.. Doctors told that they gonna discharge her tomorrow.. I think its better if Pragya comes from next week to college.. She needs rest..

Abhi: haan.. Uncle.. You're right.. We are thinking the same...

Ram: Haan.. So better you both go to college from tomorrow... You already took leave for the last 3 days...

Abhi got shocked & thinks..

Rishi: Uncle.. Its not fair.. We wanna to be with her.. Still she come back to college.. Tell na.. Abhi..

Abhigya My Love.. My Life.. Only You.. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now