I continued setting down the table and 2 minutes later I heard screams coming from upstairs.

I looked back and Mike was not there.

"Oh, no," I said, hastening to my bedroom.

Mike was suspicious of me and my bedroom. He had a feeling I was hiding anything or someone. So, when I was distracted enough, he climbed up the stairs and opened my bedroom, thinking he would discover my secrets.

Chester was sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at a picture that I keep on my nightstand of me and my family. He was so lost in his thoughts, and he didn't even glance at Mike, who had his eyes furrowed and was glaring at Chester with rage boiling in his veins.

"Are you free already, baby?" He asked, turning his head at the same time at me. Only it wasn't me.

"You motherfucker!!!" Mike yelled, rushing to push Chester off my bed.

"Hey, Mike!" Chester said, trying to grab his hands.

"You're the one who's fucking my sister," he said. "Get the fuck out of my house!!!"

I arrived at my bedroom at that moment and shouted at Mike as I watched the scene unfold.

"Don't you dare touch him!"

"You're doing this behind my back? WHY?"

"I wonder why!" I said, yelling at him.

Mike stared at Chester with his face exposing all his rage through his red cheeks and his widened eyes. He was feeling betrayed by his best friend, but at the same time, he was feeling so self-conscious that he wanted to make everyone disappear. He wanted to disappear.

"Get out of my house!" Mike shouted all of a sudden.

Chester clutched the remaining of his clothes and rushed downstairs, being followed by Mike and me. 

"Chester, you don't have to go," I stated.

"Yes, he does," Mike scolded me.

"Shut up! Who do you think you are??? Huh? You can't control my life, you know? I date whoever I want!"

"I can't control whoever you date, but I can control who my friends are," Mike said, pushing Chester once again.

"Dude, stop!" Chester yelled. "You're overreacting without even giving us a chance to talk."


Chester and I looked at each other and I shrugged. He's not wrong, though.

That moment, we heard the lock of the front door and my parents showed up laughing about something. Those two are always happy.

"What's going on?" My mother asked. "Oh, good morning, Chester. Wanna have breakfast with us?"

"No! Chester was just leaving," Mike growled.

My parents knew something was wrong by hearing Mike's tone. My mother stared at Chester and I. We were staring at each other with completely blushed and embarrassed faces.

"Someone explain to me what's happening?" My father asked.

Mike hesitated at first, but he was so mad that he started yelling.

"He's messing around with Amy!" He said. "I caught him in her bedroom. I bet he spent the night!"

"Mike, it's not --" Chester ventured to speak, but Mike interrupted him.

"I TRUSTED YOU! You were like a brother to me and you were fucking my sister behind my back!!!" Mike yelled, pushing him against the wall. I tried to grab Mike but he pushed me away too. My parents tried to stop him, but he was too blind to even hear them. Chester's face turned even redder, but this time he, too, was angry. I've never seen him like that. He's always so patient and calm. "I don't want you near me or Amy, ever again!!! My sister is not some whore to be messed around with!"

Chester pushed Mike away with much strength as he could. There was a vein popping out of his neck while he was staring at Mike with such hatred in his eyes.


Everyone in that hall became silent. Suddenly, the insane and loud morning show turned soundless. We could hear the tick-tack of the clock on the wall. We heard the cars in the street passing by. And I could almost hear my heart beating so damn fast.

"What?" Mike asked taken aback.

Chester looked at my parents with a scared but determined gleam in his eyes gulped, and then looked at me, answering Mike at the same time.

"I love her. I love Amy. I've always loved her, but now..." he walked to me.

"You love me?" I asked, flushed but beaming from ear to ear.

"I love you," he smiled weakly.

"I love you too," I buried my face on his chest, feeling a tear dropping from my eyes. Even though we were getting hell from Mike, and probably, from my parents, I was so happy. I don't think I ever felt that happier in my entire life.

Chester loves me.

He wrapped his arms around my back, and he kissed the top of my head, closing his eyes and embracing that meaningful hug.

We ignored our parents while they scolded Mike for the show he just put up, for the things he said and for entering my bedroom without authorization. Luckily, my parents have never been too hard on me, gave me freedom enough because they knew I'd be responsible enough to make my own decisions, and live with them. Whenever the topic of conversation was boys, I remember that my parents were always so open about it. Gave me advice, warnings, sure, but never once stopped me from dating anyone. I knew that, however, I'd have to explain what Chester was doing in my bedroom.

So, when my parents were done scolding Mike, who was calmer but confused about our little arrangement, they turned to me and asked the question I was dreading.

Chester was about to reply, but I spoke first.

"I drank too much last night at Mindy's party, I'm sorry... Chester was worried and didn't want me to come home drunk, so he went to pick me and brought me home. I was so wasted that I didn't feel well and asked him to stay until I fall asleep. We both fell asleep on top of my bed, and we woke up when Mike knocked at the door... It's my fault that he was here... But he only took care of me."

Mike rolled his eyes and stole the bag from my mother's hands, grabbed a loaf of bread, and took an angry bite since he was starving.

"Thank you, son," my father told Chester, patting him in the back. 

"There's no need to thank me," Chester said. "I'll always take care of her, I promise."

My mother insisted that Chester stayed for breakfast and he accepted, trying his best not to show too much affection towards me in front of Mike. He sat eating by my side, while my parents told us something funny that happened in the bakery. 

Mike was quiet the whole time, looking down at his plate, knowing that if he continued to fight with Chester or with me, especially in front of my parents, he'd be scolded or ignored.

However, I almost felt sad about him. Almost.

He looked too offended. Too betrayed.

The last thing I wanted was to be the reason why he and Chester stopped hanging around. I loved Chester with all my heart, but I also know how Mike is important in his life. And even though Chester was holding my hand under the table and caressing my skin with his thumb, I knew he was nervous and anxious about the same thing I was thinking about.

Things would be different from now on.

I was simply not sure if they were going to be a good different or a bad different.

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