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My name is Amy Shinoda. 

I have 18 years old and my twin brother is named Mike.

Mike and I are very different from each other:

I'm an A's student, I've always been committed to the school and I've always done my obligations without getting in trouble. I just began to study medicine and my parents were very proud of me. I was a scout girl when I was younger, had a very limited group of decent friends, and never tried any kind of drugs or alcohol. Yes, they could call me geek, or weirdo. But I'd rather be well behaved like I am rather than be like my brother Mike. 

He, on the other hand, is a rebel, always getting into trouble, skipping classes, and then asking me for help. But not everything is bad about him: he is a good singer and knows how to play instruments - he has a band with his friends and, it's not just because he is my brother, they are really good. Unfortunately, that group of friends is very crazy, always at parties, with girls, drinking and smoking pot in the basement of our house, without our parents knowing (or just pretending they don't). 

We're used to their lifestyle by now, but as long as they are out of trouble, my parents don't mind their little parties in the basement. And me neither.

Tonight was no different.

Our parents were away for the weekend, so, as usual, Mike invited his friends over. This included him - the one that makes my heart stop - the one that I'd give up on everything and get crazy with him - the one and only Chester Bennington.

Mike and Chester have been friends since I can remember and I think he's the reason Mike doesn't do anything reckless or get himself into a lot of troubles.

Chester is different from the other guys. He is quieter, less crazy. He didn't party hard like Mike or Rob as he simply preferred to have a drink in his hand, leaning against the wall on the corner of the room, observing everything around him. I have never seen him throwing himself at any girl at those parties. He wasn't that type of guy. And I have never seen him into some kind of trouble.

What as more arousing about him was the fact that he always treated me so well. Better than my own brother. We basically grew up together and he always stood up for me, so my feelings for him have developed from a young age, and, as much as I tried to forget it, I simply can't.

Sometimes, I believe that he feels for me the way I feel for him. But we are never alone, so I just can't dig deep. We're always surrounded by people and the only time we were alone, at a house, after a party, he kissed me. Then, he apologized, saying he was drunk and we never talked about that ever again. But you could feel it. That tension. You can almost grasp it and squeeze it.

It was 10 P.M. when I got home that night. I had dinner with friends and I went straight back home after it. 

The house was silent, but as I reached for the basement door, I heard music. 

I opened the door and went downstairs, only to see the same image that I usually see: Mike and Rob were asleep on the couch, completely wasted. Joe and Dave were playing PES on the PlayStation, and Chester was writing something on a notebook he normally uses to write songs.

"Really? Wasted again?" I asked, almost as a whisper.

Chester raised his head to look at me and his eyes flicker. 

"Yeah, the usual," Dave said in a zombied-tone. He didn't even look at me or acknowledged my presence. His mind was on the game, his lips just did me the favor of automatically answer me.

I noticed how Chester's eyes darkened when they traveled up and down my body. I know I was a little under-dressed, something unusual on me, but the girls insisted that I bought this dress: it was a black bodycon, knee lengthed, and totally backless. My makeup was simple, I just had eyeliner and mascara, with lips painted in red. Not my usual clothes at all. I'm more a sweater/T-shirt type of girl, hair in a ponytail, and barely any makeup.

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