Chapter 2: Truth

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I'm on time with another update! What is this madness? Don't let me slip too much guys, I need your comments to keep me going. Your encouragement fuels my writing. I need you.

Speaking of, thanks to those who've added this to their reading lists and left comments guys! They seriously make me happier than you can imagine!

Fun fact, this chapter was going to be a lot different. Originally Kurama was supposed to have a section and Konohamaru was supposed to show up but if I did either of those things (or both) this chapter would be over 12k words and likely wouldn't be done on time.

Like I said at the end of my most recent update of From Time to Time I'm going for weekly updates for these two stories.

And hopefully monthy or bi-monthly updates on Triple Trouble once I get settled into the new schedule.



Chapter Two: Truth


The start of his meeting with the Hokage could've gone better, admittedly. Although he had no doubts that the Sarutobi knew of his bond with Naruto and that he'd never harm the blond, he couldn't fault him for his worry. It only showed how soft the older man truly was for the boy, despite his lack of free time as village leader.

"I'm worried about Naruto."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth Iruka winced. Hiruzen's eyes narrowed at him and immediately he was reminded of his encounter with Shikamaru before he'd left the Academy. He corrected himself quickly.

"I'm worried for Naruto. I think something may be wrong," Before the wrinkled man could get the wrong idea again , he explained. "Not with the seal or anything to do with it but... I think his troubles in school might go beyond a simple attention disorder."

The Sandaime Hokage's dark eyes softened again and he gave the tan Chunin an apologetic look. Iruka wasn't offended in the least. Naruto deserved to be cared for, and to have the most powerful man in the village looking out for him only went to show how magnetic the boy could be.

"What do you believe is the problem, Iruka?" Hiruzen puffed on his pipe, eyes like steel—not in anger at the scarred Chunin, but in worry for the blond.

"I think he may have issues with his hearing," Iruka cut straight to the point. The Hokage was worried about his surrogate grandson and beating around the bush would only further agitate the God of Shinobi .

The brunette could see the older man stiffen slightly and he waited for the news to process before continuing. He had no doubt that the Hokage, who'd shared many bowls of ramen with the blond and even essentially camped out in woods with him when he was younger, would be angry with himself for not noticing sooner, for not being around more—much like Iruka. He seemed to droop a bit in his disappointment, his eyes closed in what seemed like remorse before he straightened himself out and steeled himself.

"What brought you to this conclusion?" It was important, Iruka knew, that there was a legitimate reason to bring such a wild sounding theory to the Hokage's attention.

He told him everything. Iruka explained how, on a hunch, he'd simply repeated himself when Naruto asked instead of blowing up on him for not paying attention and how the blond had answered the question correctly. He told him about how, after continuing this, Naruto had not only shown that he did know more than his grades made it seem but also that the gaps in his knowledge seemed to come from verbal lectures and not from anything they did that involved reading or practical application lessons. How he'd noticed that Naruto tended to stare at people's mouths instead of their eyes when they spoke and how anything that left his direct field of vision seemed to disappear to him and how cautious he was about anyone being behind him.

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