Chapter 7: The Bell Test

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So, this chapter was hard, not because of my ADHD or anything but because I wanted to change so much and therefore couldn't use much of the episode (episode and a half)... I ended up only changing the bits involving Naruto...mostly.

I was actually planning on breaking it where they initially fail but decided not to because you guys already know they pass (duh).

Team 7 officially becomes Team 7... with special guest appearances by Mama Iruka, friends Shikamaru, Choji, and Shino! Because we all needed more Mama Iruka in this mess (Mama Iruka is the best and we all love him)


Onto the Chapter!


Chapter Seven: The Bell Test


Originally they decided to meet after their team meeting, they still did, but the time was significantly later than they thought it would be. By the time Naruto managed to free himself from his new teacher it was almost dinner--not that it stopped Choji from eating multiple bags of chips before and throughout. Shikamaru found it necessary to talk about their teams as a group, mostly for the blond's sake if he was being completely honest, so they were meeting at his house. Really they were meeting in front of the Academy and then going to his house to sit with the deer while they talked but that was semantics.

Shikamaru arrived at their meeting place first, with Choji since they were on the same team, followed closely by Shino. Naruto didn't come until much later and when he finally did show up he looked...weird. That wasn't unusual for the blond, rather, he looked weirded out by something. Probably his new teacher. He was pretty sure Sasuke didn't have the capacity to be weird and Naruto was too used to Sakura being Sakura for anything she could've done to faze him.

"Are you okay, Naruto?" Choji asked between mouthfuls of chips.

"Yeah..." He paused for a moment, looking deep in thought before he grinned. "Let's go!"

The walk to the Nara compound was comfortably silent and when they got to the edge of the forest they sat in the soft grass, letting their stresses from the day fade away. Naruto kicked off the conversation not long after, just as a pair of deer made their way to the quartet.

"So how did your team meetings go?" Shikamaru already knew they were in for a story when Naruto's turn came.

"Asuma-sensei is cool, I guess. Being on a team with Ino is troublesome, though. I'm definitely not looking forward to our secondary test." Shikamaru answered around a yawn before laying back and staring at the clouds.

Naruto laughed and Choji offered his own opinion on their team placements.

"Asuma-sensei didn't really like that I was eating during our meeting but he didn't say much about it."

Choji's love for food was unrivaled, Shikamaru wondered if it outweighed his own love for sleep at times.

"Kurenai-sensei is nice but unconfident. Why? Because she's a new jounin and we are her first genin team. Hinata-san is very shy and unconfident as well and Kiba is the opposite," Shino was always straight to the point but it was nice that he liked his team so much. "What about your team, Naruto?

"Kakashi-sensei is weird," Shikamaru figured. "He wears his forehead protector over one of his eyes and covers his whole face with a mask. The only thing I can even tell you to describe what he looks like is that he's tall and has at least one dark eye and silver hair that defies gravity!"

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