Standing and musing over these possibilities amongst other things, Thranduil was only minutely aware to Liruliniel appearing nattering on. Much like any other time, his attire played off the woodland home around them; standing in a long tunic with a trail to match of elegant shades of blue and silver, Thranduil couldn't possibly embody the snowy weather in clothing more than he did now. His crown was barren of the usual spring looking sprigs and leaves, his long hair trailed straight down his back as his hands were clasped behind his back too. His eyes still stared off and out of the window, despite the sun which had appeared within the day, it had started snowing again.

He sighed, Liruliniel was still talking and he felt bad because he wasn't sure she realised she was having a one way conversation with herself. Thranduil turned his face, he was prepared to reply or at least say something to her but his words died within his mouth. He just stared at her with wide eyes and Liruliniel blinked large, confused eyes and looked around and then back at him, as if he was staring at someone else in the room.

Soft loose ringleted curls cascaded down her back, Liruliniel had gathered a small cluster of strands at her temple and twisted them up and off of her face and clasped them at the back of her head with a small trinketed pin. The circlet upon her head differed from the other, more simple one he had seen before; instead this had a few trailing strands off of it, some of them looped and interconnected. But this design seemed more at the back, at the front the trailing strands shimmered in the light and it wasn't until he looked closer that he realised they were studded with small jewels. Some of these small jewel encrusted wisps were even weaved and twisted in amongst her hair; it meant if she turned her head in a certain way and the light caught a jewel just right, her hair would twinkle.

Her attire matched the exquisite appearance of the circlet, Thranduil wasn't sure just how many dresses she had received from Galadriel, but this was surely one of them. The dress looked like something which would surely be worn by the Lady of Lothlórien herself; long flowing white lace which seemed to just be layered upon more lace and a soft looking material underneath. The neckline was just under her collarbone but came off her shoulders slightly, where almost floor touching billowing sleeves hide her small hands from view. This too seemed to glimmer and shine in certain lights, everything she seemed to be wearing was encrusted with some small jewels or another. She was a walking star, his little walking star and Thranduil was walking over to her before his mind fully registered it.

The kiss he was suddenly sending her way had her almost falling against him as her hands clutched at his chest while her face was gently held between his palms. The rings on his fingers felt cold against her skin, yet his fingers gently found ways to thread into her hair without ruining what she had done. He hadn't expressed to her to look the part for meeting Voronwë, Thranduil presumed he wouldn't need to because she would just know this was something she couldn't attend while wearing a simple tunic.

Though from watching her lean back from him, he did note however that she was shoeless, he just looked at her frankly, Liruliniel smiled, "I really don't like shoes." He just raised an eyebrow at that, what could he say? But then, she spent most of the time while they were in here without boots, or shoes on. There was also the times she'd been out and about in the kingdom bare foot too. Without the possible heels of footwear, it made her appear small and dainty, whereas it just made him appear way taller than her. Liruliniel sighed, Thranduil seemed conflicted over something to her, and she looked at him patiently. "I'm sure it won't be bad." His eyes snapped to hers, they were just staring off at nothing from over her shoulder. He still held her face gently, even if she had sought to find space to get air from his kiss, it hadn't meant he allowed her much room. As she took a step back, it was like he took one forward because there was still barely any space between them.

EverlongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon