Part I

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It was a rather nice, cloudless night at the town of Masyaf. Altaïr had just returned to his room from training. Tomorrow he would be going on a very important mission with his co-assassins Malik and Kadar. And while Kadar envied Altaïr for his skill and wished to be as good as him one day, Malik thought of him as arrogant, careless and selfish.

Altaïr sighed, resting his head on the pillow as he laid down after taking off his robes and weapons and putting on a pair of spare pants he slept in. Closing his eyes, he quickly drifted off into a peaceful slumber. He would need to be well rested for tomorrow's journey.

Meanwhile, at a Templar Outpost, a young man with long, brown hair, white Templar robes and a white cape with red on the inside was walking beside a slightly taller male, who seemed to be the leader of their group, listening to the other as he explained their next steps.

"We are going to retrieve an old relic, one of great power. It will be useful to our order." The taller, older man spoke.

The younger one simply nodded, having a bad feeling about this excursion.

The taller male seemed to notice this and spoke up once more, gazing down at the other and stopping in his tracks, a serious expression on his face. "Is something the matter, my son?"

The boy looked at him and shook his head. "No ....nothing, father." The boy said, not wishing to let his father know he didn't agree with him on his opinions. it would only result in his own exile, or worse. His father wasn't one to give second chances to possible traitors, and he knew that, so he kept his mind closed to the others in the order at all times, knowing he couldn't trust them further than not to kill him on the battlefield.

"You seem troubled. And I wish to know what causes that trouble." The older man said in a serious manner.

"I was just thinking, about how I can help the best on the mission. I just don't wish to disappoint you." He said. It was a lie, but his father didn't need to know that.

The older male let it slide. "Just do as I say, and all will be fine." He said and walked past him, into his tent, leaving his son to dwell on his thoughts alone. Before he fully entered though, he said: "Oh and get some rest. We will be leaving early in the morning."

The young man nodded, sighing softly, and heading towards his own tent. He couldn't help but feel like tomorrow's journey would not end without unnecessary bloodshed. And it made him sick to think about the fact that this bloodshed would bring pride and amusement to his father.

Once in his tent, he laid down his weapons, robes and chainmail armor, slipping under the covers once fully undressed. Sleeping in that state left him vulnerable, yes, but it also gave him a sense of comfort.

The only thing he had not added to his clothing that lait atop a crate was his ring, that he kept on his finger so he wouldn't lose it. He knew his luck. Something would happen and he wouldn't find it again, and even though it bore the sign of their order, it was also the last thing that he had left from his mother. He missed her, even after 12 years he still couldn't fully rid himself of the pain in his heart every time he thought of her.

She had been very sick, and hadn't been strong enough to fight of that sickness. She lost the battle with the sheer inevitable death it would cause on the night after his 7th birthday. His father had let him keep her ring, so he held onto it, and the few memories he had of her.

He curled up under his blankets, dwelling in his memories for a bit longer, before eventually sleep took him, sending him into a dreamless slumber. For once, he was not plagued by nightmares or visions he did not understand the meaning of. It was a small relief, and a rare occurrence, one that he would cherish...


Hello there,

I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it took so long for me to actually start this book, but I had a lot on my mind, and literally forgot about it. My apologies for that. My writing skills have also improved since I had originally planned to start this, so I believe this will be a more enjoyable experience for you now than it would have originally been. Thank you for your patience. Take care everyone


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