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Sarah's POV:

5th September 2010

Today is going to be my second, and last ultrasound. I get to see my baby again, I could find out the gender if I wanted to...

I wake up early to my phone ringing.

Ryan Murphy is calling...

I answer immediately, "hello?" I say in a tired morning voice.
"Lana!" He says in a jolly tone, which makes me very confused, he must have got the wrong number.
"Ryan, it's Sarah, have you got the wrong number?"
"No, I know it's you Sarah. I'm talking about your new character, the main character of season two, in fact. Lana winters."
"The main part? Ryan that's incredible thank you!"
"Nonsense! You're incredible. I know that season one hasn't aired yet, but We're going to need to start filming soon after I've finished the script, I'm on the last few episodes now, I'm sending the scripts to agents as soon as they're done."
"Ryan.... I'm 6 months pregnant. Am I going to be able to play the part?"
"I know you are, silly. I'm talking about halfway through next year, when are you due? November? So we'll start filming in May... the baby will be 6 months old. Then season one will be aired. That sounds good to me."
"That sounds perfect for me as well. I'm sure my agent will be happy to know that I'm wanted for another season. Thank you for working around me."
"Nonsense. You're my muse for this season."
"Can I just ask, where will it be filmed?"

I'm saying this because I've been thinking of moving anyway. I live in a one bedroom apartment, enough room for a newborn, but I don't really want to be moving around too much while the baby is still young, I don't want to put stress on either of us. So if I know the location I can move into a bigger house near the set and that will be a lot easier for everyone.

"We're filming in the northeast of LA."

Not too far from where I already live, I can look for houses as soon as I get out of my ultrasound appointment later.

After that extremely pleasant conversation, we say our goodbyes and hang up. It puts me in a good mood ready for my scan later.

I get up, get ready and decide to take a walk around the park. I like the fresh air, it's good for us both.

There we go baby, I know my back is going to kill after this and I'll be in major need of a massage, but a little bit of air in our lungs never hurt us, did it?

I'm walking through the park when I get approached by a man with a large camera and microphone.

Great. I'm not gonna get left alone until I've answered all their questions. I seriously need to pee as well. This baby is pushing on my bladder like mad.

I feel little kicks across my stomach, I reach down and put my hands under my stomach, trying to lift it up to relief the pressure.

"Sarah Paulson?" The man with the camera asks, I turn around and smile.
"Yes?" I say politely, but with an edge that could show I'm not in the mood.
"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions quickly?" Even if I said no, I knew he would follow me around until I answered.
"Of course, but be quick please, this baby is really trying me today." I say laughing.
"Congratulations on the baby, this is your first right?"
"Yes, thank you!"
"Has it been hard balancing work and pregnancy?"
"Not at all. Luckily I've had a lot of support from everyone around me, so I've had it extremely easy so far, it might not be so easy when the baby is born, though."
"Are you working on anything new right now?"
"I have a few gigs booked, that's all I can say. Something new will be coming this time next year, so you have that to look forward to."

After what seemed like hours of interviewing, which was only about half an hour in real time, my bladder seemed to get smaller and smaller each second. After the interviewer left me, I rushed back to my car, speeding home as fast as I could so that I could pee.

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