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Sarah's POV:

29th August 2010

I'm about 24 weeks pregnant, which is 6 months. My stomach is a lot bigger now, and is becoming a lot harder to hide, I know that soon I will have to tell my fans, so I have arranged another meeting with my agent to talk about it. Soon, I'll be having my second, and last, ultrasound.

This is what my bump looks like:

I still haven't felt a kick, but because this is my first pregnancy my doctor said that this is normal, and I might not even feel the bump until next week

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I still haven't felt a kick, but because this is my first pregnancy my doctor said that this is normal, and I might not even feel the bump until next week.

I get to my agents office, I'm wearing a baggy sweater, as I have been for the past few months, just in case someone takes a photo of me, or a fan notices me. My agent let's me in and gives me a big hug.
"Sarah! I'm glad you're here, hope you and the baby are well." She says, sitting down and beckoning me to sit opposite her. I sit down obediently.
"Thank you! We're doing good, still haven't felt a kick though."
"Well, I see you're showing a lot more." She puts a hand to my stomach. That's one thing that annoys me about pregnancy, not that I mind too much, but people feel like they always have to touch your stomach.
"Yes, I am showing a lot, it's getting harder for me to hide and I need to know when and how I can tell my fans." I tell her, she nods as I'm speaking.
"So, I think now is the perfect time to tell them. You should do a pregnancy photo shoot, then we can send it off to some news outlets that will post about it." She suggests, I love this idea and tell her it's perfect. "Okay, I'll get that booked for you as soon as you leave and text you all the details later."
"So, for now, have you thought of going to any pregnancy support groups?"
"No, I have all the support I need."
"Yes, but you only have Amanda that is also a mother that you know, I have a support group here full of single moms of all ages and backgrounds, if you go you and your baby will have lots of friends in a few months."
"I'll go, but only once, if I don't like it I'm not going again."
"Okay, that's all I ask, I just want you to try it. It's tomorrow afternoon, I'll text you the address along with the photo shoot details." I thank her and leave the office. I'm happy about the photo shoot, and I'm excited to meet new people, but I don't want to get recognised or treated differently because of who I am.

Later that night I get a text from my agent. As promised, I have the photo shoot details, next week, the day before my next scan and the address for the support group tomorrow. I fall asleep happy, nervous and excited.

30th August 2010

Today I have the single mom support group, I'm excited to meet different people in my position, I might even make friends. I call Amanda to tell her.
"You better not replace me!" She says, laughing, I can tell she's got her hands full, she wouldn't have picked up the phone if it was anyone else but me. She's got a now 6 month old baby who is growing so fast I can hardly believe it, and a 4 year old. I decide to make it a quick call, I haven't seen her in a while so it's nice to catch up.
"You know I would never, anyway I only wanted a quick catch-up, I'll call you later! Kisses to Fran and Molly." I say, making kissy noises.
"Kisses to the baby, love you." She says, hanging up.
I get ready for the support group, I'm not going to make too much effort, no makeup, because I always feel more confident when I don't have makeup on. Then I look through my closet, since my bump is so big, I'm finding it hard to fit into all my old clothes, I had to buy a lot more. I just throw on some of my old sweatpants that used to be baggy on me, but now they are almost tight against my bump. Then I throw on an old baggy t-shirt, which again, is now quite tight on me, and is showing some of my stomach. I scrape my hair back into a little bun and set off.

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