Trying Out the Pool

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Sarah's POV

"So who's getting what?" Dustin asks as we walk into the school gym. Lucas, Dustin, and I are dragging the kiddie pool inside.

"Jonathan and I will get the ice." Hopper says, already walking away.

"Mike and I will get the hose." Nancy says next.

This leaves Dustin, Lucas, El, Mom, and I. I drop the pool in the center of the gym. "Mom and I will help get El prepared. You too should set up the pool." I say. They nod and start to set up.

I grab El's hand and lead her and Mom out of the gym and down the halls. She needs some goggles to keep the water out of her eyes. They have to be blacked out, we can't do it if there's light going through it. Maybe we can use ductape.

I lead them down the hal until we find the science lab. We're sure to find goggles in a science lab. I shove the door open and lead El to a table. She sits down on it, and Mom and I get to work looking for the goggles.

I look under the table Eleven's on, opening cabinets, when I find some tape. "Well, we have half of what we need." I say, placing the tape besides El.


I look up at her. She looks guilty. "Hm?"


"What for?" I ask, placing my hands on the table.

"Used my powers against you. You were angry." She doesn't meet my eye. Oh no, I didn't mean to make her feel like this.

"Oh El, I wasn't angry at you. I swear. I was just scared. I didn't know what was going to happen, so I got scared. I never should have reacted that way. I promise I will never act like that again." I promise. She looks up into my eyes, trying to tell if I'm lying. She sees the truth in my eyes and nods.

I smile down at her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey, how about when all of this is over, you and me go hang out. Just us girls. After we find Will, you'll get to meet him, and you'll be part of our family. We could be like real sisters." I gush.


"Of course. I'm not losing you." I tell her. I bend down and kiss her forehead. I want her to have what I have. A real family and something to make up for a lack of a childhood. It's what she deserves at the very least. I just hope Mom will bring her into our family.

Joyce's POV

I smile at the sight before me. Sarah really is acting like an older sister. I grip the goggles in my hands tighter as my heart swells. She really has grown hasn't she? She isn't that scared little girl any more.


A loud crash wakes me up. What was that? I move the covers off me and walk over to my door. I open it and look out. None of the doors are open.

There's whimpering coming from the living room. Sarah? I quietly leave my room, not wanting to wake the kids, and walk over to the living room.

The light from the lamp is on, but the whimpering is louder, accompanied by small sniffles. I look over at the couch, not seeing Sarah. I follow the sounds over to the table. The lamp that's usually there is gone.

I look down to see the lamp. It's shattered. What happened? I bend down to look under the table, and see Sarah shaking underneath.

"Sarah? What's wrong? What happened?" I ask, reaching forward. She flinches and scoots back, shaking her head. "S-s-sorry. Didn't m-mean t-to." She says, putting her hands in front of her. Her palms are bleeding. Did she try cleaning it up?

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