Hearing Things

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Sarah's POV

I climb back into my car, with Christine climbing in the passenger side. "Alright, pep rally is over and done with. Next stop, work." I say as I start the car. Christine buckles up next to me as I pull out of the school parking lot.

I drive down the road in the direction of the arcade so I can drop off Christine. She reaches over and turns on my radio. Queen blasts through the radio, filling the car with music. Christine nods her head to the music with a content smile on her face. She mumbles along to the song as she stares out the window at the blur of trees moving by.

I tap my fingers into the grooves on my steering wheel to the beat. An easy smile rests on my face as we drive along the road.

Suddenly, a sharp zing goes through my temples. I wince and furrow my brows at the feeling. I reach one hand up to rub at my temples, trying to alleviate the pain.

Christine looks over at me, concerned. She turns down the radio. "You okay? Was the music too loud?" She asks. I shake my head and give her a reassuring smile. "No, the music was fine. Just a small headache, that's all."

"A headache?" Her voice is filled with worry. I look over at her and meet her wide eyes. My smile drops at what she's hinting at. "It's not like the summer, I swear. It's just a normal stress headache. I promise."

She nods, but her concern doesn't fade. Luckily for me, we arrive at the arcade. I pull up to it and bring the car to a stop. I look back over at Christine and give her a smile. "I'll see you at lunch over at the video store." She nods and climbs out the car with a wave goodbye.

As soon as she's inside the arcade, my smile drops as soon as I pull out of the parking lot. My headache lasts the whole drive to the precinct. Strange, but probably nothing.

Time Skip

I walk into the video store with a bag of food in hand. Steve stands at the counter, looking boredly at the counter with his chin in his hand. I walk up to him with a small smile. He looks up as he notices my footsteps and a giant smile grows on his face. "Sarah!" He leans across the counter, reaching one hand over to hold my cheek as he greets me with a soft kiss.

I smile into the kiss, leaning into his hand. A sudden cough interrupts us. We separate and look over at what caused the noise. We spot Robin, stocking shelves and giving us a blank look. "Gross guys." She says. I laugh and shake my head. "Sorry Robin." She doesn't answer, instead continuing to stock the shelves.

I look back at Steve and put the food on the counter. "Brought you lunch."

He look at the food and then back at me. "Have I told you how much I love you?" I laugh and roll my eyes. "You're so dramatic. Now c'mon, before the food gets cold."

He laughs as well and begins to lead me back to the break room, but the phone starts to ring before he can. He groans and glares at the phone. He sends me an apologetic look, to which I shake my head in understanding, as he answers it.

"Family Video, this is Steve, how can I help you?" Someone on the end answers and Steve starts to frown. He groans and runs his hand through his hair. "What is it Dustin?" I raise an eyebrow at the name. What does Dustin need? Shouldn't he be at school?

Steve listens to whatever he says for a few seconds before furrowing his eyebrows. "What do you need Sarah for?" I lean in closer, trying to hear Dustin on the other end, but it doesn't work. Steve notices and sighs into the receiver. "She's right here anyway, let me just..." He takes the phone away from himself and holds it between us. "He wants to talk to you about something urgent apparently."

I raise my eyebrows in shock and takes the phone. "Dustin, what's going on?"

"Hey Sarah!" Dustin cheers on the other end. "You know how we used to play DnD all the time?"

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