Ch 11 Rescue is a Go

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Ruby took what Y/N said as a promise. Silver and Tanner gave her the weapons. Ruby was unsure but was glad now. Though in reality it was because they knew that is what he would
of wanted given that it would distract her. She remembers what was said after getting off the bullhead. They admitted Old Reliable's design was hard. As for the cane sword given how it was by Ozpin's design Y/N had to figure out the odds and ends to it. Ruby began to tear up at the weapons workbench.

Ruby: (thoughts) Okay Ruby. He would want you to stay strong.

As this happened Silver and Tanner were at Ozpin's office. He said it was urgent.

Ozpin: I'm sorry for the loss of Y/N but we received a video.

Tanner: Why does it concern us.

Ozpin: I can answer but it is better to watch.

Ozpin turns on the video and once started it shows you, tied up in a chair. The two notice your injuries but kept quiet.

Y/N: You have it all wrong. I am no Schnee.

The grunt then punched Y/N and told him to read the message. Y/N spat out some blood. The thing was he grinned at this moment.

Y/N: Fine. Essentially you all have a week to accept the deal. Basically follow the demands or else they kill me.

The message ended but what was odd of this was how Y/N was constantly blinking.

Silver: Are we going to do anything about this?!

Tanner: Y/N is our teammate. He would do the same for us.

Ozpin: You see the reason why I called you two up here is for help. You noticed that Y/N was blinking quite a lot. An unusual amount if you were to ask me.

Tanner: Wait, wait. Silver, what was the code Y/N talked about before?

Silver: Morse code?

Ozpin: A code not used since the Great War. Do you know it?

Tanner: Look Y/N once said that we should learn a code in the case that one of us were to be captured. We never did.

Ozpin: Knowing Y/N it must be important. Oobleck and I will get back on its meaning. It will take awhile to decipher given how we will need to find a book. Come back tomorrow and we should have it.

Tanner: Okay. Silver, you know what needs to be done.

Silver: Tell the others?

Tanner: Yeah.

A day passed and Silver and Tanner entered the office again.

Silver: What is the message?

Ozpin: A location. A bullhead is prepped for the rescue. I must say there will be police on the scene as well so it will be hectic.

Silver was texting Team RWBY and they all went to the hangar.

Pilot: Woah hold on. Look sorry to say but I can only fit five more and that includes who we are rescuing.

RWBY (Ruby x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu