Chapter 8

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October soon moved into November, and before I knew it it was the day before Thanksgiving break. I was pretty hyped. Between open fields, which were on Fridays now too, the ever-increasing amounts of homework, and school itself, I had practically no time to myself anymore. I desperately needed a break. Plus, my birthday was coming up on November 28th, which, I found out from Anna, was actually Thanksgiving Day. I just had to make it through one more open field, and then I would be free for a week. No homework, no school, just me, free to do whatever I want. 

There would be no softball either, but I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. I had been doing my best to avoid Ari, and to stop thinking about her all the time. Yet, as soon as I tried to distance myself from her, I had started seeing her everywhere. She would catch my eye on the field, or pass me in the hallway, and my heart rate would surge. As much as I tried to berate myself for it, I loved it when I saw her smile at me, or even just shoot me a small wave, and then keep walking past. I would long for these small, stolen moments all day. I repeatedly caught myself looking for her unconsciously, and not only at softball. I knew it wasn't healthy, but in my heart I just couldn't stop myself.

At the moment, I was in the dugout, watching Ari and Ellie warm up as I put away my glove and grabbed my bat and helmet. The first time I had seen this, I was completely mesmerized by the near-perfect rhythm they kept. Ellie would call a pitch, and Ari would deliver perfectly, right into Ellie's glove practically every time. But when she would make an occasional mistake, spike the ball into the ground or sling it over almost to the nearby baseball field, she would be sure to laugh. I loved how she could be so easygoing one moment, and determined and focused the next. But when I wasn't completely spellbound by Ari, I noticed that Ellie was an amazing catcher. Her form was perfect, she blocked every ball, and anticipated any slight movement in Ari's pitches. They were a great pitcher-catcher duo. Secretly, I was glad I hadn't put myself out as a catcher. I knew there was no way I could surpass Ellie's talent. Yet I couldn't help but be a little jealous of all the time she got to spend with Ari--

"You're staring," Alyssa muttered to me as we sat down on the bench, waiting to be called up to hit off the machine. I jumped out of my trance, shaking my head. "Thanks," I said gratefully.

She just looked at me. "Are you even trying to get over her?" 

"I am. Really," I added as she raised an eyebrow dubiously, "but it's just so hard. I see her all the time now."

She sighed. "Have you thought about skipping open fields? They're not mandatory."

I shook my head. "I can't. I really want to make a good impression, and I'm not going to skip just because I'm going a little soft. Besides, we have a whole week off after this."

"You know, just because you have a crush doesn't mean you're going soft--"

"For the last time, Alyssa," I cut in angrily, "I don't have a damn crush on Ari."

Instead of getting offended or hurt by my brusque interjection like she would've a few weeks ago, she just scoffed, which I likened to how close we had become in the last month. "Sure you don't," she said sarcastically. "You just can't take your mind off of her, always want to see her, and are constantly missing her when you don't see her. Oh, and when you don't have a chance to see her, you want to. So, what I wanna know is, are you really trying to get over her?"

I raised my eyebrow, watching her patiently. "You finished?"

"I think so, yeah."

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "I am trying. I am," I stressed as she opened her mouth to say more, "But I can't let this obsession, or whatever the hell it is, get in the way of my life. Do you know what it's like to want something this bad but not be able to have it?" I asked rhetorically, slightly frustrated.

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