Get back At em (Part 1)

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GUYS before I start I just gotta say this part will be very short bc I got work to do from school...SO sorry...LETS GET ON WIT THA STORY

The next day..

Cora: These bishes really think we playin huh?

King trollex: They really do

Cora: You remember the plan right

King trollex: I sure do..

Cora: Okay then let's do this..*She said with an evil smirk *

Up on the surface...

Cora: So would yall like to see our family history *She said holding up a photo album *

Marine: You wouldn't....

Cora: I would....*She said slowly opening the book*

Marine: NO wait I'm sorry

Cora: To late for that SIS *She said as she gave the photo album to poppy *

Poppy: AWWWwWWWWWWW you were so adorable as a child..IM SHOWING THIS TO THE WHOLE WORLD

The photo showed Marine as a child..With a messy Tutu on..Smiling with Food in her mouth..

Cora: And I oop-

Marine: I KNOW you didn't just do that..*She said as she saw poppy showing the kingdom the photo *

Cora: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes I did...*She said putting on imaginary sunglasses *     Boom...

King trollex: Okay...My Turn *He said looking at BDB*

King trollex x CoraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon