Let's go, Ninjas, Let's GO!

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Third Person Pov:

Runnin, running, and more running could easily summarize the Ninja's journey to the first checkpoint. The unbearable heat that struck the Leaf ninjas seemed to take its toll and their speed slowly diminished. Meanwhile, Gaara seemed lax and comfortable with the sandy terrain and overbearing heat. The first checkpoint took the form of a large stone tower, where the ninjas took shelter from the incoming sand storm. Upon entering, they saw cracked walls which were a sign of the old age, and unlike the scorching outside, the tiles were cool. 

"This used to be a guard tower of Suna, where Ninja's were stationed to be on the lookout for enemies", Gaara stated as he noticed the curious looks of his escorts.

"Enemies? Who?", Naruto asked curiously.

"Naruto, the enemies were us, the leaf ninja back when, Konoha and Suna were still at war with each other. Not anymore, because of you and the Kazekage's friendship, Konoha and Suna were able to end all hostility towards each other", Sai proclaimed. 

It was true the bond shared by both ninja's had helped in the political affairs of opposing countries. Now, the Kazekage's most trusted ally was the yellow-haired fool, which in turn meant peace for the Leaf Villiage.

Naruto seemed embarrassed by all the attention and shyly grinned. 

"Alright, let's all get settled, we'll be staying here overnight, and will take turns to be on the lookout", Yamato stated.

The Ninja quickly set up their sleeping mats and began preparing their meal. Munching up the food only to drink twice as much water to make up for all the exercise they had done.  Eventually, their canteens were emptied, but not the thirst. It was apparent that the Sand Storm had still not died down and as a result, the person tasked to find a river bed for clean water was nonother than Gaara. 

Simply nodding to the request, his stoic face hiding the annoyance of being forced to walk through the storm and find a body of water, which seemed like a daunting task. Yes, of course, the Ninja could in fact control the sand, but it did not mean that it could totally go against mother nature, plus using his sand would tire him. Standing up, he walked towards the doors, opening them to let harsh wind and sand enter the inside, leading himself out, the door closed with a loud THUD.

Now outside, the red-head let out a deep sigh and massaged his forehead as to not get any more irritated and begun his search. 

Back in the tower, the group of Leaf ninjas were discussing their defense tactic just in case of an ambush. Lastly, it was decided the lookout turns each one would take, Yamato had decided to take the post first, second would be Gaara, thrid would be Naruto, and lastly Sai. Once finished the leader headed up to the roof of the building to begin his watch and his team was left to clean up the sand that had entered when the door was opened. 

Although, not visible both Ninjas could hear the wind speeding up and crashing into the wooden doors, to the point where it seemed that the doors could burst open at any time. 

Ah, I wonder if Gaara is going to be ok, Naruto thought.

"He'll be alright Naruto, he is the Kazekage after all", Sai answered as if he could read his partner's thoughts. And in fact, his could, years of Anbu training, plus Naruto's expressive face gave all his secrets away. Even the sexual tension shared between the Sand and Leaf ninja did not go unnoticed by him. 

Chuckling to himself Sai suggested something interesting to Naruto.

"Well, if you are that worried how about you go help him", Sai said with a fake smile. 

Naruto's eyes lit up, "Can I really do that?", Naruto exclaimed.

"Sure", Sai answered.

"Ok, Ok I'll be back with lots of water and Garra, See ya!" Naruto said quickly. Opening the door letting yet another round of sand rush in, soon followed by the loud thud. Sai trembled with anger seeing the newly formed pile of sand where he had cleaned, maybe letting Naruto go, and leaving him with more work was a mistake. 

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