It's only You

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Naruto's Pov:

 I could hear the faint noise of someone crying next to me. Forcing my eyelids to open and taking time to adjust my eyes to the darkroom I saw a figure, that I knew all too well. 

Why are you crying?, I thought. I wanted to say those words, but my mouth did not move. Don't Cry, it pained me to see my special person cry. Managing to move my arms I reached for the pale neck and pulled his lips to mine. 

Ah, just as I thought they're soft, I couldn't help but smile. 

Just as I was getting comfortable, Gaara pulled back flustered by the action, which showed through his rosy cheeks. How cute.

Third Person POV:

"You're awake", Gaara spoke. Before, Naruto could say anything Gaara was reaching for the medical assistance button overhead his bed but was stopped by a from hand on his wrist.

"More......I want more", Naruto pleaded through his coarse voice. Not waiting for any reply using his free hand to grab Gaara's head and pulled him close again. This time with a little less restraint, Naruto's tongue slid across his closed mouth and stopped to place deep kisses around his mouth. 

Breaking Gaara's resolve, melting him, to the point where he could not push back. Naruto continued kissing him not breaking away in fear that if he did Gaara would back down. Hungrily, his nibbled on the red-haired boy's lips leaving them bright red and bruised. Gaara couldn't hold his voice anymore, letting out weak whimpers. 

After devouring his lips, Naruto moved down onto his chin then his neck biting and licking his collarbone. Sliding his hands under the hospital gown's shirt to feel the soft skin that trembled at his very touch. Feeling too excited he placed his hands on Gaara's chest rubbing his rough fingers around it. 

"!", Gaara felt too good to not moan. He could feel his bottom becoming wet. The sound only encouraged Naruto to continue abusing his nipples. Naruto did not want to stop for it was his first time feeling this kind of pleasure. And to have Gaara, not show any type of restraint to his actions made him feel euphoric. 

Stopping for air, he saw Gaara's ravished face and dazed look, which was copied onto his own. He could feel his member harden down below, a painful sensation. But before anything, he wanted to make sure Gaara was comfortable, reaching for his cheek that easily fit in one of his hands, placing soft kisses on his forehead, and paid special attention to the red kanji mark. 

With all his remaining strength Naruto jerked Gaara onto his bed, where Gaara now lay on top of him. Gaara was careful not to make any contact with Naruto while being on top of him in that small hospital bed. 

Naruto; however, had very different plans, which did not include avoiding physical contact. He had to bite down a smirk that threatened to appear on his face, as he slid his legs up and rubbed Gaara's groin. 

Gaara's face was twisted into a lustful shade of pink as his breaths became jagged from the slow movements. His head fell onto Naruto's shoulder as they could no longer hold their own weight. 

Naruto was pleased that Gaara's pleasure was undeniable and just when he wanted to continue their session of love-making, a shout was heard through the corridors which spelled their doom.

"GAARA!!!! Where Are You?"-Person #1

"Calm down Kankuro! and don't shout he's not the only patient here!"- Person #2


Hehe....this was a fun chapter! 

 I finally reached the saucy parts of this story so I better see y'all voting for this story from now on.     


Diamond in the Sandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें