"eat and have sex. It usually puts me to sleep"

The lady laughed "how sexual active are the two of you?"

Chanel laughed "um we have been more active in the past but since ive been pregnant it hasnt been common"

"Low sex drive?"

"Not on this end i think im making him tired"

"So high sex drive, the two of you can have sex untill your 6 months but you may start to be against having sex because of your size and the contractions and all that. Have you had any contractions yet?"

Chanel shook her head

The doctor stood up "okay ready for the ultra sound?"


"Your quiet, are you okay?" She asked gee

"Huh ? Yea i never had no baby before this kinda cool"

"Gee do you remember when rico had malik and you took care of him terribly?"

"Yes, that was almost a year ago" he said

"Dont do that again"

"I wont " he said

Chanel laughed and felt the cold gel touched her stomach

"This is your baby, your 8 weeks and your baby is doing good."

"When are we going to hear the heart beat?"

"When your three months" she said "you can go change"

Chanel nodded and walked away

"Wait so thats the baby?" Gee asked looking at the picture


"Its small"

"Its not done growing" she said

"Is this gon be a long 9 months i wanna see my baby?"

"Well the wait is worth it"

"Is she gonna be okay after she have the baby?"

"From what i see shes going to be fine"

"Um what if she starts cryin because he stomach hurts?"

"If its bad bring her to the hospital if shes bleeding definitely sometimes its just contractions tell her to breathe and tell her to breathe slow"

"Is it anything she shouldnt do?"

"Just heavy lifting and depending on how close her due date is she shouldnt be driving"

"Oh" he said "well what about all the nasty shit she eatin like cornstarch is she gonna stop?"

"Um i dont know she might hate it and  it could make her sick, she might love it, its different for everyone"

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