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"Geee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee" rico annoyed him

"You think she not gon cus me out just as well as she would do you?" Gee said

"Just come wit me" he said

"Alr bro" gee said grabbing an apple from his table and putting on a jacket

They walked out his house and moments later they pulled into erikas house

Gee knocked at the door and they waited

The door opened and erika rolled her eyes

"rico why are you here?"

"I had a question"

She moved to side and let them in cause it was cold as hell for florida

"What" she said sitting down

"You gotta let me finish before you spazz on me" he said

"Alr hurry up"

"Would you have a problem wit sitting down wit kayl, just to talk about the relationship the kids have and if they can bond like if malik can go over there and see his little sister or if she can come over here and see malik? I just want them in touch. Or if yall dont have no problem wit her being around malik or you being around her daughter?"

"So its a girl"

"Yea" he said

She nodded and she sighed

She put her head in her hands and attempted to stop herself from tearing up

She took a deep breathe and looked back to him

"Thats fine. Is that it?" She said

"You want me to take malik? If you want sum time to your self"

"Ni thank you just leave. Please" she said

He nodded and stood up and gee followed behind him

"Shes not happy at all" rico said

"Yea ik" gee said


"Chill, imma try to talk to her another time when your not there see how it go. But bring me back to my damn house"

Moments later gee and rico were at the trap talking to dre cause they ruled that more serious then doing nothing at gees house

"Who you was wit when you counted dat money the other day?" Gee asked


"You was the one that put that Brazilian man money away?"


"Who did it"


"Who the hell is chic?" Rico asked

"Hes a block boy"

"Where he at rn?"

"I dont know"

"Find him and make sure he here tomorrow. He better have my 10k" gee said "get out"

Dre left out and the two of them did also

Rico dropped gee off to go to an appointment with kayla and gee took his car to ricos to check on reesha

Gee opened the door to ricos house and heard crying.

He walked through the house slowly until he found reesha in ricos bed

"Reesha" he said

She looked up and seen him and wiped her face quickly

Love and war || Sequal : ChemistryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant