xvi. Paul McCartney Replica

Start from the beginning

      "He doesn't around me," Judy huffs. "He's trying to get you guys to know him, maybe you can try doing so before judging him I just started going out with him and he makes me happy so can you just please please give him a chance?"

       "I will I will because I love you," Penelope sighs. "Not sure about the boys they have quite the opinion on him."

      "The only person out of the boys who I care thinks about Derek is Percy," Says Judy. "Because, he's my best friend and I don't want them to hate each other."

"Remember when you guys didn't like each other?" Penelope reminds her, to Judy it seems like that was so long ago.

"We've grown," She states with a proud smile. "Besides, we're going to spend the summer together and I don't want Derek to—."

    "Wait wait wait!" Penelope holds her hand up. "Hold the fucking phone rephrase what you just said?

     Judy glares at Penelope oddly. "We're spending the summer together?" She repeats slowly, so Penelope won't ask her to say it again.

     Penelope gapes. "You're spending the summer together, fucking christ Judy might as well marry the guy if you're spending the summer together." She claps her hands together excited with a little squeal. "How did this happen?!"

     "I'm with someone Penelope remember Derek? On New Years Percy and I agreed we're going to spend the summer in his brothers sanctuary in Romania if he gets the okay from his parents. Mine already okayed it," She explains. "We're going to spend the rest of our summer there then two weeks before the school year starts we will go home."

     "How did you convince Percy to go see dragons in his brothers sanctuary? That boy can't even handle a small mess on the table how the hell are you two going to be able to be in Romania?" Penelope question's. That's true, how the hell did Percy be convinced to go?

      "You only live once," Judy replies. "It'll be fun we're going to see dragons."

     "Again how'd you convince him?" Penelope repeats. "What if there's only one bed?" She smirks playfully with an arched eyebrow.

    "Oh my god Penelope Derek remember Derek!"

»»----- ☠ -----««

      The Study Sessions between Judy and Percy have changed now that Derek joins them. It was no more comfortable silence between Judy or Percy, them helping one another out, now it's filled with Percy studying being the third wheel while Derek shows displays of affection the once in awhile giggle from Judy whispering for Derek to stop. Right now Derek has his arms around Judy's waist while she scans her eyes through the potions book, mesmerizing the steps for each potion necessary. Derek then puts his hand on her leg fidgeting with the fabric of her skirt.

       Judy looks down at the movement of his hand, feeling weird at the touch off Derek's hands down she stops it by covering her hand with his making it look as though she's trying to hold hands with him. "Derek shouldn't you be studying." She whispers to him.

     Derek shakes his head. "I don't study babe. I usually just wing it, I do really good on tests though," He reassures her at the end of the statement, Judy feels weird about his personality she's so used to Ravenclaws always being on top of it and studying she forgets the creative side of Ravenclaws and Derek is one of them with the beautiful paintings he always comes up with, as well as his music that he's shown to Judy.

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