v. How Flowers Bloom

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JUDY GARBER IS OVEREMOTIONAL it's been years that she's been called a freak and yet still every time she cries about it. You'd think she grow tough skin, but the girl doesn't know how to defend herself the only thing she resorts to is crying, it's always been this way. When her and Eleanor where five and Eleanor stole her toys. she'd cry. Whenever she would see a ghost. she'd cry. Any little comment, could just set her off. She was like a grenade you have to be careful what you do with it or else it would explode.

So she calms herself with plants, kind little thing who don't hurt you and are so beautiful. Yes, she's weird enough to consider plants to be her friends as well. It was the weekend and Judy is in the greenhouse, with her signature brown beret on her head, wearing a skirt and a flowery shirt to go with it. Currently, she's observing her plants that she's grown they are barley getting out of the soil. "Hello little things." She smiles softly.

"What are those?"

She jumps and turns to see Alfie the ghost looking down at the plants currently growing. "Merlin, you scared me."

"Uh-Huh." He replies.

"If you must know those are violets and jonquils." She points to them. Alfie arches an eyebrow and nods. "Where's Julia?"

"We're in a fight." He sighs.

Judy tried not to snort at this, but only nodded. "I want to go ghost again, but she wants to stay visible."

"Ah, I see. You should do what's best for you Alfie."

"I know, we've been together for years we've died together. I can't just let her go."

"Just talk to her Alfie." Judy taps him on the shoulder, yeah with her abilities she can also touch ghosts. Alfie nods and floats away from her, looking sad as ever. Judy still can't help, but wonder how exactly did they die.

»»————- ☠ ————-««


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PERCY WEASLEY HATES A LOT OF THINGS. He hates loud people, he hates mustard, you get it. Here he was wasting his time learning about something so silly as plants when he could be studying for O.W.Ls soon which is a extremely crucial to his career that he seeks in the ministry when he graduates from Hogwarts which is coming up soon. Out of all his siblings he'd say he was the most responsible one out of all of them, the one that would be most successful. He hopes to one day help his family out. Of course he'd never admit it to their faces.

      Curfew was about to start and as a prefect he would never stay up late. Luckily, he wasn't on night watch so he could probably pull an all nighter and study in his dorms. Once he returns all of his friends where laughing, in the dorms. Oliver Wood, his friend clapped Percy on the back. "Weasley!"

   "Not now Oliver." He grumbles under his breath sitting in his bed scanning the herbology book. A groan admits from Javier Smith, who threw a shoe at Percy's head.

   "Ow!" Percy holds onto his head in pain.

  "STOP THE MADNESS." Javier shouts at him. "Have some fun! O.W.Ls haven't even started yet!"

       "You overwork yourself Percy give yourself a break," Oliver speaks, clapping his friend on the back. "Just find a distraction, like a hobby for example what about plants?"

      Percy scowls at him Oliver damn knowing well Percy's deep hatred for planets. "Or maybe you can finally ask out Penelope Clearwater..." Javier adds.

     "Yeah, don't tell me how to live my life." Percy grumbles.

»»————- ☠ ————-««

     This part Judy loves, in when the flowers bloom. It was after Herbology Class and during class she couldn't help, but notice her Violet about to bloom. It was really hard to contain herself from jumping up in watching, so once class ended she quickly made her way towards her plants. Percy stared at the back of her head thinking about the words Oliver and Javier said back at the dorms. He sighs, and goes next to her. "What are you doing?"

     Judy looks at him, and back at her flowers. "They're about to bloom." She mumbles. "It's weird, I like to think when a flower blooms a baby is born."

    Now that was weird. "My Mum always said the most beautiful ones get picked out of the garden and that's why good people die." Percy responded. He's being weird. He's actually dying like a decent human being and not a complete control freak.

    "But it's not very logical so I don't buy it."

   And he's back. Then the Violet blooms and the two of them stare at it in awe. "Hello." She whispers to the Violet and her eyes are in complete awe over the beautiful purple flower that had just bloom. So Percy and Judy stood together watching the flowers bloom.

»»————- ☠ ————-««


Okay i know it's a bit to soon to have Percy's p.o.v, but like I need the plot to happen since I cannot have this book be boring. And the part where Percy and Judy are watching the Violet and Jonquils bloom is kinda important :)

EDIT: THIS CHAPTER HAS BENE EDITED I want to apologize because I portrayed oliver in a way I shouldn't have and I feel honestly very sorry about it so I edited it since I didn't want him to seem like that in any way at all so please forgive me for that, it was supposed to work out in another way but I realized it wouldn't work for the story. So, it's changed so I'm sorry in advanced :)

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