ii. Lonely Girl

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       THE RIDE to the train-station was quiet and short, they didn't live to far from Kings Cross so they always made it on time. She remembers the first time they found out she was witch, Judy had just turned eleven and was barley finding out more about her abilities. Since she had a best friend who was a little boy, that she had found out was dead for about five years. Then Professor Sinstra came with a letter stating Judy was a witch. Her parents weren't frightened by it, their close weren't anything close to normal. Buying the supplies and getting used to being a witch was the hard part.

       Judy's gotten used to it though, she's gotten used to the classes, the spells, she's gotten used to being a lone all the time. She's learned to come prepared for another lonely year, she brings half of her book shelf, and get her Mary Janes back from Eleanor who obviously steals them from Judy the whole summer. She's grateful to Hogwarts for making her realize she wanted to seek a career in gardening. Dancing in the Moonlight played on the radio, 70's music was her parents favorite, her Mother hummed the song.

      The car came to a full stop in front of the station, Judy looked out the window and got out of the car. Trunk opening getting out her bag's half of them filled with books. Eleanor is the first to hug her goodbye, then Bob them Dora who Dora gave a more tearful goodbye to her daughter since she didn't favor the school being a boarding school more than a regular school. "Have fun my Judy." She whispers giving her a kiss on the forehead. "You'll do amazing I sense good things happening."

     "Thanks Mum." Judy smiles and gave her a tight hug. She says a last final goodbye to her Father and reluctantly walks away from them, she knows her way she's been doing this ever since she was eleven. It was fifth year now and she would have to take things more seriously O.W.LS were this year and if Judy wanted to be successful owning her own flower shop she needed to pass all of her courses or do above and beyond. Judy is smart, top of all her classes, well more of second since Percy Weasley was always at the top, and loved to outshine her in pretty much everything.

     Well she only did better at him in Herbology she could vividly tell he hates that with his whole being. She's still a bit paranoid she won't excel in all of them she would probably get to the studies quick since she didn't really have any free time to spend with anyone anyways. She looks back and forth making sure no one was watching as she snuck her way into the platform. Instantly, transported into a another world, wizards and witches dressed in the most eccentric clothes giving their children a goodbye and good wishes for the year. All she's focused on is getting through the crowd and finding her spot making sure her beret doesn't fall from her head.

      She holds onto the beret tight, she wears them often because she thinks they bring out the style and she feels good wearing them. She actually got a new one from her Mother and Father before she left to Hogwarts. The crowd was terrible even if she was early, she doesn't even notice her shoulder collides with another. "Sorry." Judy mumbles not bothering to look at the person.

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