i. Just an Average Day

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IN FAMILIES you developed a routine, something you do daily and never get tired of, this was called an average day. Average Day's were different for everyone, but for the Garbers an average day involved getting a call about some haunted house with a distressed family, and visiting the house. Most of the time it was false alarms, or her Mother would call the church to perform exorcisms. Which, Judy is not proud to say she's seen more than once. Judy wishes her regular was different, today they received a call from a frantic Mother saying that their house has been acting strange.

Judy hopes this is just a false alarm, she hates feeling demonic spirits around, and seeing old spirits walking around and taunting her. It makes her sick to her stomach, usually her sister was the expert at demonic spirits, able to sense them more that Judy does. The drive to the house was about forty minutes away, and her family was in the car acting like a regular family, who were going to a Haunted House. Don't fear the reaper played on the radio. A song that they often listened to. Eleanor her sister sang the song under her breath while looking out the window.

She sighs her stomach turning, she's already having a bad vibes and they haven't even arrived at the house yet. Judy makes eye contact with her Father through the rear view mirror. "Jude, you alright?"

"Yeah...I just don't feel so good." She responded. Her Mother turns around to look at her worry in her eyes.

"Want some water?" Dora, her Mother asked.

Judy shook her head and Dora gave her a soft smile and looked forward at the road. "So, backstory about this house we don't know much?" Eleanor questioned.

"Mother Father Baby. Moved into the house to start a new life and whatnot, then expirencedna loud of loud clattering, started hearing giggles, and when they tried to get to their baby the door would lock, and to add to it they've also seen a young woman holding their baby." Bob explained. It send shivers down her spine thinking of it, she wasn't very excited to see a spirit of an young lady around the house.

"Ew, yuck one of those." Eleanor cringed. "We won't end up having to perform an exorcisms right?"

Her parents stayed quiet Dora took a nervous glance at Judy. Last exorcism, it deeply affected Judy, she spent her summer break suffering from nightmares, she wasn't herself. She definitely didn't want to go through another one. "It's a possibility El, but let's hope we can free the spirits today..." Says Dora nervously.

         "Uhm, Jude when are you going back to your school?

       Judy doesn't want to go back to Hogwarts, even though she's a muggleborn many muggleborn kids knew her parents from all over the place. Word got out that Judy's parents were ghost hunters and freed away demonic spirits from the world, they feared her, called her a freak. Judy really isn't that offended if she's being honest, but it would be nice to have a friend or two. Her sister Eleanor didn't inherit the magical gene, which Judy wishes she did so she won't have to be alone.

"Very soon I suppose." She says back.

»»————- ☠ ————-««

      Bob came to a stop and in sync they all looked at the house. Two story, quite large and perfect to start a new family you would see, but Judy looked closely and saw a woman looking at her through the window. It sent shivers down her spine. "Shit." She mutters under her breath. As the woman stares her down, she was pale, the dead always didn't have normal skin, since they were you know...dead. They got out of the car and walked towards the house, Dora put her arm around her, and Eleanor seemed to not be afraid at all her parents weren't afraid either they've done this many times before

       Eleanor banged loudly on the door causing a slap on the shoulder from her Mother. Then a door opened to a short distressed blonde lady with bags under her eyes shaking. "Hello." The woman sniffles as if she's just been crying.

       Judy feels extremely bad for every family having to go through something traumatic like this. That's why after she moves out she never wants anything to do with paranormal activity, she wants to own her own Flower Shop she loves Herbology even has a garden at the back of her house that she forces Eleanor to take care of when she's gone. "Please come in come in."

       Right away as soon as she steps in she senses evilness in this house. She looks around they've decorated the place nicely, music playing in the background Good Vibration was playing. Which she finds very ironic to be playing a song like that while you're House has been filled with a bunch of dead people. "Honey! They're here!"

       The woman's husband comes in holding a child in his arms cradling it to sleep. "What kind of experiences have you had in the house?"

      "Giggling, scratching sounds, growls, a lot of threats of it wanting my child."

      "Ah, sounds like a spirit that likes a mess around." Says Eleanor. "We've got a silly spirit."

       "The woman." Judy gulps. "The woman, I think she wants something. When spirits remain in house I always believe they have a purpose something they want...maybe she wants your baby.."

     The wife gasped looking at her baby worried. "But, it's nothing to worried about, doesn't seem to severe at least it's not a demonic spirit." Bob pipes up. "We just need to perform a cleanse, and after they should do you no harm."

        Judy thanks god it isn't anything to serious, but still felt for the husband and wife and the baby. She knew after this they would be safe.

»»————- ☠ ————-««


OKAY! I'm sorry this chapter was boring the plot hasn't really started just yet, I just wanted to show Judy's life with the ghost hunting or whateva...Anyways, next chapter will be better since she's got a Hogwarts :)

Alrighty Aphrodite ━━ Percy WeasleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora