I'm going to make him do all those crazy things they make you do when they put stuff in the bears.

We hear the shower going off.

"Yeah, so go on and get ready and then I will come back." He kisses me quickly then leaves. 

My mom soon comes out of the bathroom wearing all black fixing her hair.

I wonder where I got my closet's color scheme from.

"Why are you on the floor sweetie?" She asks me.

"I'm waiting to use the bathroom." I laugh and get up. "So where are you guys going?"

"Just out. Shopping maybe, eat." She says.

"I hope you have fun mommy." I hug her.

"Okay. Hurry up and get ready. Your bae is waiting for you." She smirks.

"What?" I nervously smile.

"I know about Larcy." She smiles.

"What are you talking about ?" 

"Marcy, you're sister screams "Larcy" everyday." She laughs and mocks her.

"Doesn''t mean anything mom." I chuckle.

"Ohhkay. Whatever you say." She rolls her eyes.


At le Build-A-Bear store.

"You pick." I argue back.

"No you."

"You, Luke !"


We have been doing this for a while, just standing here while these little kids come and go.

I know he wants me to get the penguin but I don't know why he isn't saying anything.

Guess I'll tease him.

"I guess I'll get Olaf then." I sigh walking to get an unstuffed Olaf pile.

"Noo ! That's Calum. Get a penguin because, that's me." He pulls me back.

"You finally say something." I chuckle digging through the pile to get a perfect one.

I remember when I was younger I'd do this because sometimes one eye is higher or the nose is crooked.

"Hurry up !" He tickles me.

I pull one out and hand it to him.

"I'm going to stuff it ?" He asks.

"Yeah." I chuckle.

"Okay." He shrugs and hands it to the lady.

"Step on the peddle." She instructs him.

He looks at me, I smile and then he steps on it.

"What if the things go flying everywhere ?" He asks.

Right when he does the stuffings fly everywhere.

He backs away and covers his face.

"I'm so sorry." He apologizes to her.

"No. It's okay. This happens all the time." She smiles assuring him. "Get a heart for your bear."

He gets the patterned one.

"Kiss it." She says.

Luke pulls me closer to him, kisses the heart and makes me kiss it too.

"Now give me 10 jumping jacks." She chuckles.

"No. No." Luke chuckles shaking his head.

"Do you want to make it 15 ?" She laughs.

Luke starts doing jumping jacks and I record him.

He's like this giant thing jumping up and down,

"Okay that's good. Now close your eyes and make a wish." She waits.

Luke stops and takes a deep breath.

"You okay?" I wrap my arm around  his and laugh. " 10 jumping jacks got the best of you?"

"It was hard." He laughs.

He closes his eyes and makes a wish then puts the heart in the bear.

The lady closes the penguin up and hands it to him, wishing us a good day.

Luke gives the penguin.

It's so soft and stuffed.

"Now, let's go dress him up." He holds my hand and walks me to the clothes.

"He has to be punk rock like me." He says.

"Oh, you're punk rock?" I tease him.

"Yes. Shut up." He picks up a red flannel for the penguin.

He get's converse, black pants and a guitar.

"So this is a boy?" I chuckle asking him.

"Yes, but do you want him to have a tutu ? Here." He hands me a tutu.

"Wow, Luke." I chuckle.

He's so cute and seems so excited.

He's even dressing it up himself.

After dressing the penguin up we go to the computers to name it.

"What should we name him?" He looks at me.

Ugh he's so cute.

I'm so lucky to have him..

"Larcy." I smile.

"I thought you were Cake AF though." He smiles typing in Larcy.

By the time we leave the store, I'm carrying the penguin and he's carrying the box.

Luke decided to buy Larcy a onesie.

I told him "He's just a bear Luke."

But he responded with "Shush, he's our child." 

It made me laugh so much I let him do what he wanted.


It's been hard updating these past weeks.

But i'm on vacation now so I'll  try to be updating more frequently now :D

I love you guys ! <3 

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