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Taylor found herself walking through the fairly packed sidewalks heading to the town square, she rests her hands inside the pockets of her jacket, the temperature rising significantly as the sun began to set. She nearly skips against the pavement, quite eager to get to where she was supposed to be. She's missed him tremendously, the last time she'd heard from him was nearly a month ago.

Imagine Taylor's surprise when she gets a text from him the moment she wakes from her slumber about meeting up, the brunette was quick to disregard the number of things she had yet to do. Seeing him was her priority today.

The small, quaint, coffee shop comes into view and Taylor hastily heads for the entrance door, slipping through with ease just before it'd closed as someone else had just walked out. Her face immediately brightens as she spots the very same chestnut hair she's seen almost everyday of her life before she left for college, though noticeably longer now.

"Chase!" Taylor walks over slowly, her brother had been preoccupied with adding more sugar and cream to his beverage. He never liked coffee if it wasn't sweet, she'd argue with him when they were younger and tell him there wasn't a point. His head snaps towards her direction and he grins lopsidedly, standing up to pull her into a warm embrace.

Taylor feels a little bit more whole somehow now, she wraps her arms around his back and hugs him tighter. She feels his body vibrate against her as he laughs, happy to see his big sister after six long months. They talked every now and then, but with their conflicting schedules sometimes even their phones were futile.

"I missed you, my favorite sister." He removes an arm around her and puts it on top of her head, giving it a playful ruffle messing her perfectly tamed hair. She pulls away and slaps his hand disapprovingly.

"Yeah? I wonder what Mackinley has to say about that," Taylor grins smugly and settles against the coffee cup shaped chair, which she found quite amusing, just as her brother did. She just knows if her sister were around to hear him call Taylor his favorite sibling, she'd pull out arguments as to why she rightfully deserved that title. Just to defend her honor, or pride, and somewhere in between those two.

"You cannot tell her I said that."

"I won't tell her," Taylor nods and places both arms on the table, wrapping her fingers around the mug her brother had ordered for her for warmth. "If I forget this conversation during Thanksgiving."

Chase rolls his eyes playfully as he runs his fingers through his hair, it was so long now, he'd styled it into a man-bun before taking it off when he got here. Taylor notices the length and raises her eyebrows in his direction before taking a sip of the warm drink in small sips.

"Has mom seen you lately?" Taylor asks, she was sure her mother would have something to say about her baby brother's hair, maybe even her dad.

"Uhm yeah actually, like two weeks ago." He grins at her knowingly and he tells her about how his mother had literally screamed in horror the very first glance she took his way, mind you they were having dinner at a lovely restaurant. Their mom payed no mind to the attention their table was getting from the random outburst, her undivided attention was solely on her son's hair.

"Taylor, she threatened to cut it off herself if it's not shorter the next time she sees me." He announces with an incredulous look on his face, he could not believe his own mother would threaten such thing, on the other hand he believes she'll stay true to her word.

"That's mom for you," Taylor shrugs. There was nothing they could do about it.

Taylor's relationship with her mother after high school has definitely improved. Maybe it had to do with the fact that they didn't see each other all the time anymore and hence had less time getting on each other's nerves. And when she'd call to ask how she was, Taylor would only tell her mother things a parent would want to hear from a child sent away for school. So in her eyes, her child had been the only college student who lived like a saint.

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